Iberclean, S.A. - Welding fume extraction systems

Euromate SFE

Electrostatic filter: for smokes of welding of steel treated with oil

Picture of Electrostatic filter
The electrostatic filters of the series SFE developer by Euromate, company that commercialises Iberclean, S.A., are especially apt to delete smokes of pertinent welding of steel treated with oil.

Available in two capacities, the SFE 25 is adapted for a maximum of two surfaces of welding if the drainage realises to the outside. With the SFE 50 can cover until five places of welding. If it does recircular the air, the maximum quantity of surfaces is of one and three respectively. Can attain greater capacities combining between himself the individual units. Thanks to the structure of the filter, the power of aspiración keeps always constant. The filters can extract to clean easily, with what guarantees a good operation.

Combining diverse types of previous and back filters, can attain an aspiración ideal for each treatment. With some treatments frees mist of oil, as with the use of oil in cold in processes of astillado or shavings. To delete this mist, can combine the SFE with a separador of drops like previous filter. The SFE is provisto of a manifold to collect the oil. With a canilla can vaciar easily this manifold.

The filters SFE are available in all the tensions of usual network, monofásica or trifásica, 50/60 Hz. They deliver with box of exposed steel and offers a performance of filter of until 99%. It includes a device apagachispas of aluminium and a pilot of control of high tension.

Have a maximum capacity with external drainage of 2.500 and 5.000 m3/h each model, and with recirculation, of 1.000 and 3.000 m3/h respectively. The surface of the manifold of the SFE 25 is of 14.2 and the one of the SFE 50, of 28.4 m2. They weigh 60 and 100 kg each one.