Mewa Textil-Management - Transport containers

Mewa Tool-Box

Container of hygiene: for the transport of cloths of cleaning used

Picture of Container of hygiene
The cloths of cleaning used contain oils, dissolvent, painting and fats and, therefore, turn into dangerous goods. To warn risks like the autoinflamación of such waste and the resultant danger of accidents, the transport to the plant of wash has to realise obligatoriamente in containers of hygiene. The containers Safety Container SaCon of Mewa has been specifically developed for this committed and, as I complement ideal, Mewa commercialises like version smaller: the container Tool-Box.

Apilable, of lower size, tight to the air and bears loads until 150 kg, allows to transport the cloths used with hygiene in the car and have them manually effecting installations or in the works of construction.

With this system, Mewa solves the problems of logistics and storage, avoiding costs of organisation and administration and freeing to the customers of his worries by the fulfillment of the environingingmental requirements and of elimination of waste.