Biotech, S.L. - Sterilizers

Telstar Horizontal BH100 1,8 M

Cabins of sterilisation: for the technician of PCR

Picture of Cabins of sterilisation
It has been designed specifically for works of genetic amplification using the technician of PCR (reaction in chain of the polymerase).

The three tubes of ultraviolet light of 15 w and the inclusion of a timer allow the complete sterilisation of the material deposited in his interior, as well as of all the plane of work avoiding possible pollutions crossed between DNA samples or RNA, that can give place to false positive.

The temperate glass of 4 mm of thickness acts like filter protecting to the personnel and to the half of the exhibition of the radiations UV In accidental opening case of the frontal of the cabin, the lamps UV desconectan automatically for a total protection of the operator.

Standard equipment installed

- digital Timer multifunción, conmutable with UV and lighting.

- 3 lamps germicidas UV of 15 w.

- Door of temperate glass in guillotine.

- System of hygiene by accidental opening of the door.

- Flat of work with glass securizado.

- Inner shelving.

- Lighting.