Disset Odiseo, S.L. -

Background containers abatible: for the collected of demolitions of all type

Picture of Background containers abatible

The background containers abatible that offers Disset Odiseo are designed and manufactured for the collected of demolitions of all type and for his easy evacuation in big metallic waste containers. They are manufactured in sheet of steel nervada painted or galvanised of big mechanical resistance and profiles of steel with a capacity of load of until 2000 kg, by what are ideal for the collected of metallic shavings from machines of numerical control and scrap. In the four upper corners have four prolongations that ensure an apilado safe.

They come instrumented of series with skate to allow the storage in shelving, and with hook abatible so that the carretilla can manipulate the container taking it from the top. In his inferior part has of one or two doors abatibles, according to the model. Said doors accionan by means of a fencer from the same carretilla. Of this way simplifies the operation of casting and the operario does not have to go down of the carretilla in any moment. The doors close automatically when the container deposits in the floor.

In Disset Odiseo offer the possibility to customise the containers according to the application and the company. They can them add wheels, put support for labels, stamp in the side a code or the own name of the company, one covers with or without bisagra, etc. Are available in several colours to be able to identify them with the colour marks typical of the company.

They are painted in dust polyester and dried to the oven to 190º.

Can manipulate also with crane thanks to the orifices that there is in the supports of apilado.

If it does not find the suitable measures, the technical team of Disset Odiseo is able to develop a custom-made design doing the highest container, width or high, doing the walls in wire mesh or with skate them higher, for putting only some examples.