Iberclean, S.A. - Welding fume extraction systems

Euromate UltraFlex 3 y 4

Arms vacuums articulated: to aspire smokes of welding

Picture of Arms vacuums articulated
The arm aspirador Euromate UltraFlex is really the highly sophisticated and easy to manipulate.

The arms UltraFlex incoporan the technician of balance BalanceWheel, that provides to the soldador the greater comfort of handle, contributing to the increase of the productivity. Also they incorporate the system RotaHood for an optimum positioning of the bell of aspiración.

They have of a capacity of aspiración of between 600 and 1.600 m3/h, with a fan FAN 28. The diameter is of 203 mm and the length of the arms, of 3 and 4 m according to the model. Also they incorporate regulatory valve of series.

Like accessories are available a focus halógeno of work to mount in the bell of aspiración and an automatic switch of start and unemployment.