Jasco Analítica Spain, S.L. - Espectrofotòmetres

Jasco V-670

Single monochromator and double beam spectrophotometers: they cover a range from 190 up to 2500 nm

Picture of Single monochromator and double beam spectrophotometers
The model V-670 is a spectrophotometer of dual-beam that uses a single monochromator to cover a range from 190 up to 2,500 nm (optionally up to 3,200 nm). The monochromator utilizes two networks (auto switching): 1200 lines/mm for the UV/VIS region; 300 lines/isoniveling the NIR region. It uses a photomultiplier detector in the UV-Vis region and a PbS (Peltier cooling) for the NIR detector. Networks and the detectors change automatically and the user can select a range between 750 and 900 nm for such change.

Monitoring of the measures is done via PC through Spectra Manager Software (Version II or CFR Version). CFR version complies with the requirements set by the FDA 21 CFR part 11. This version is optional.