Jasco Analítica Spain, S.L. - Espectrofotómetros

Jasco V-650

Double beam spectrophotometers: they provide reproducible and accurate in samples of low concentration measurements

Picture of Double beam spectrophotometers
The model V-650 is a spectrophotometer of dual-beam having a photomultiplier detector. The high sensitivity of these detectors provide reproducible and accurate in samples of low concentration measurements. By controlling the voltage of the detector Gets a wide dynamic range. They allow the handling of accessories for solid samples such as integrating spheres to collect the diffuse light transmitted or reflected by the sample. Its advanced optical design and its low light diffuse increased its photometric linearity of 4 units of absorbance with the ability to perform high-resolution measurements from 0.1 nm (eg: spectroscopy of gaseous or vapour).

The monitoring of the measures can be done using Palm color (MRI-7000) or PC (Software Spectra Manager II or CFR). CFR version complies with the requirements set by the FDA CFR21 part 11.