Landes Poli Ibérica, S.L. - Maquinària per mesurar coordenades (MMC, tridimensionals)

Aberlink Axiom too

Machines of measurement by coordinates: available in four capacities from 640 x 600 x 500 mm until 640 x 1500 x 500 mm

Picture of Machines of measurement by coordinates
Landes Poli Iberian, representative of the English mark Aberlink, distributes the machines of three-dimensional measurement Axiom too, available in four capacities from 640 x 600 x 500 mm until 640 x 1500 x 500 mm (X, And, Z), in manual and automatic versions CNC, with some extremely competitive prices.

One of the remarkable characteristics of these machines is the possibility to transform the machine of manual version in automatic CNC a posteriori.

The manual machine has of the preinstalación to turn into automatic CNC in few hours, in the place where was installed. The constructive design of this machine incorporates the last technology, as his base in granite on structure of signpost nest of bee, contributing stability and natural absorption of the vibrations, and his bridge in light alloy with rigidity torsional optimised. The high precision of this machine obtains thanks to this good constructive design and to utilisation of components of upper level, like the rules of reading Renishaw of 0,0005 mm of resolution and the palpador electronic also original Renishaw. Another characteristic of this machine is the compact and ergonomic disposal of all the elements, occupying little space in plant and increasing the comfort and ease of utilisation.

The computer PC, the printer and the keyboard find lodged in the basic support included with the machine and the monitor is situated in the rear part of the table measured. The geometrical software is of the intuitive graphic type, powerful and very easy to use. After few hours of utilisation the operator can already realise complex measurements. This software draws the piece in satisfied screen goes measuring and generates his bounded plane and report of measurement.

It has of statistical analysis SPC, import - export of archives CAD, traspaso automatic of data to Excel, autoaprendizaje, scanned point ready and the exclusive function Feature Predict of automatic recognition of elements. It has of a wide range of options: cabezal indexable manual or motorised, automatic change of palpadores, camera of video CCD for measurements without contact.