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The number of visitors increased 47% with regard to the previous edition

Fruit Attraction Wins a place like fair of reference of the sector hortofrutícola European

David Pozo25/10/2011

25 October 2011

In a country in which we are lacking of good news and in which it puts more emphasis in the critical figures of the unemployment and of our maltrecha economy, gives taste see how there are decisions, ideas, in definite, projects, that work. And inside this group, selecto in our days, have to include Fruit Attraction. It treats of a project consolidated, after three consecutive years marked by an important growth, that has comported that the producing industry of fruits and hortalizas Spanish already have his own fair.

The past 19 October, to the 11.30 hours, the minister of Environment, Half Rural and Marino, Rosa Aguilar, gave the starting signal to the third edition of Fruit Attraction. Few expected, neither the more than 550 expositores, that after three days of visits, meetings and negotiations, the general perception, so much of the own expositor as of the visitor, went to be so positive.

The producers, with 79% of the total, went the most represented segment, but no the only that went of satisfied Madrid and with the duties done. The auxiliary industry, that occupied 17% of the space expositivo, was loved of the enclosure of Ifema, since there they could find with many of his customers, the own producers.

The minister of the bouquet, Rosa Aguilar (in the centre/center), went the attendant to inaugurate Fruit Attraction
The minister of the bouquet, Rosa Aguilar (in the centre/center), went the attendant to inaugurate Fruit Attraction.

The important participation registered in this third edition of fruit Attraction reveals the interest of the living room for the sector and confirms that it has consolidated like an appointment of reference for the market hortofrutícola of all the world. Besides, according to the data that give off of the surveys realised during the fair, the visitor of Fruit Attraction is a professional with high power of decision in his company, fundamentally, importing, responsible of purchase of big chains of supermarkets and other commercial operators. “Here they have been the responsible maxima of the main chains of distribution of Europe”, affirmed to Interempresas the director of Fruit Attraction, Raúl Alley.

The figures do not admit doubts

Fruit Attraction closed his third announcement the past 21 October with 18.473 visitors, 47,3% more than in the second edition, and 561 expositores direct, 24% more, what confirms the excellent results in a situation of strong economic crisis.

The more than half thousand of expositores direct represented to 1.127 companies, according to the data audited by the UFI (Union of International Fairs). Of the total of expositores, 19% were foreign, with an important presence of the European industry, especially of pertinent companies of France, Italy and Portugal. Likewise, the organisation/organization of the Living room fulfilled/fulfilled with one of his main pretences for this announcement 2011: increase the presence of Latin American companies, having, between other nationalities, the participation of companies arrived from Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.

In his group, Fruit Attraction received to 26.492 professional participants, of which 18.473 were visitors. Of the total, 3.371 came from of out of Spain and belonged to 92 nationalities, that added to the Spanish professionals, what means a growth of the international assistance of 81%.

The international assistance to the fair increased in 81%, with pertinent visitors of 92 different countries
The international assistance to the fair increased in 81%, with pertinent visitors of 92 different countries

Fruit Attraction Like pole of businesses

25% of all the international visitors attended to the appointment in the enclosure ferial of Madrid invited by the living room and selected by the own expositores according to his commercial interests. With this Program of International Buyers, that realises in collaboration with the Camera of Trade of Madrid, pretended promote the commercial transactions of the companies participants –especially to the powerful exporting sector Spanish–, in front of markets consolidated like France, Italy, Benelux, Germany or United Kingdom. At the same time, in a reverse mission organised beside the Icex, pretended approach to the participants to new markets of big importing potential, like Arab Emirates Joined, Saudi Arabia, Catar or east Countries, with the aim that the employers can create new opportunities to diversify his business. Of face to the next edition, of the 24 to 26 October of the next year, the aim by part of the organisation is “to reinforce the presence of all the Spanish producing zones and the international participation, with a special interest in the Latin American market”.

The Program of International Buyers allowed to promote the commercial transactions in front of markets consolidated like the French, the Italian or the German

“In consecutive years will think if we need to go to other alike fairs like Fruit Logistica”. “Fruit Attraction Fulfils so widely the expectations that allows us negotiate and even close in situ a lot of agreements”. They are so only two sentences pronounced by two producers to Interempresas in the transcurso of the fair. The work carried out by Ifema and Fepex has seen also widely reflected in the good received and follow-up that obtained the professional days, that celebrated of parallel form to the commercial activity of the Fair. Between others, Fruit Attraction received the Day on the fruit of bone in the European distribution; Apple Attraction, the I international Congress on the production and the world-wide consumption of the apple; the II international Symposium on the granado; the III European Conference on the Brócoli; the VII International Congress of Promotion to the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables. Five to the day; and the day on ‘The logistics like tool of management and optimisation'.

Fruit Attraction Received a year more the space Forum of Innovation (izq...
Fruit Attraction Received a year more the space Forum of Innovation (izq.), and professional days of importance, as Apple Attraction, the I International Congress on the production and the world-wide consumption of the apple (to the right).

On the other hand, the Forum of Innovation went back to be the ideal frame so that the companies and institutions that wanted to, could expose in front of the public his projects and the last novelties developed for the sector hortofrutícola. Dupont took advantage of the space to present his innovative insecticide Dupont Coragen; Ifapa –Institute of Investigation and Agricultural Training and Pesquera of the Board of Andalucia– did a review of the new varieties of the National Agreement of obtaining of varieties of strawberry; Repsol presented a new active container; Saica Pack followed suit with a new type of agricultural packaging; and Mercasa took out of the ‘basket' Mercachef, a new program of shopping for the channel Horeca.

The next edition of Fruit Attraction will take place of the 24 to 26 October of the next year

Fruit Fusion, a culinary space that insufla of colour to Fruit Attraction

Every time that the assistant had to happen of the pavilion 7 to the 9 of the enclosure ferial Ifema did it usually by the runway where was installed one of the elements that more colourful give him to Fruit Attraction: Fruit Fusion. In this space, developed to boost the consumption of the products hortofrutícolas, especially in the channel Horeca, celebrated a big quantity of degustaciones to check the excellence of the recipes with fruits and vegetables.

Fruit Fusion, organised beside the platform MadridFusión, also summoned a ‘show cooking' in which cooks of all the country showed the infinite possibilities that offer these foods and showed , in the zone of Zumoterapia, the healthy combinations that allow to elaborate exquisite juices.

Besides, the space received several competitions, like the I Contest Green Cook, that went to stop to hands of the student Álvaro Porrero, of the Hotel School of the Community of Madrid. The challenge was to improvise and elaborate a green ‘recipe' to base of fruits, vegetables and hortalizas, with an ingredient surprise that did not know until the last minute.

The space Fruit Fusion was the stage where chefs of prime importance put of self-evident the infinite possibilities that offer fruits and hortalizas...
The space Fruit Fusion was the stage where chefs of prime importance put of self-evident the infinite possibilities that offer fruits and hortalizas in the kitchen.

After the big received of the past year, Fruit Fusion repeated experience and organised/organized also the II edition of the Contest of cut of fruits and hortalizas. The finalists confronted in two proofs: a previous where had to esculpir a calabaza delivered 20 hours before the contest, and another where had to work on a watermelon in 90 minutes and including the logo of Fruit Attraction. After the deliberation of the members of the jury, chaired by Judit Eat, Medal of Gold in the Championship of the World of Cut of Fruits and Hortalizas, conceded the first prize to Juan Fernández Ginés, and the Special Prize to the Most Original Piece to Pablo García Prieto.

Finally, the Madrilenian fair also went stage of the delivery of the prize to the ‘Best Vegetal Dish of the Year', an honour/honor that went to stop to the chef Miguel Ángel de la Cruz. After a previous selection to charge of Madridfusión of 10 restaurants with big chefs at the front, went a jury composed by 20 skilled journalists in gastronomy, those who voted by a majority the dish elaborated by the chef of the Restaurant The Botica (Matapozuelos, Valladolid). The dish consisted in some fine lascas of ‘bacon' vegetal roasted with Boletus, tallos of red beetroot, Piñón of Pedrajas and tender shoots of thistle mariano.

Juan Fernández Ginés, winner of the II edition of the Contest of cut of fruits and hortalizas (izq...
Juan Fernández Ginés, winner of the II edition of the Contest of cut of fruits and hortalizas (izq.), and the chef Miguel Ángel de la Cruz, winner of the Better ‘prize Vegetal Dish of the Year' (to the right).

Brooch of gold with 10.000 kilos collected by the Bank of Foods

In the week in which it celebrated the World-wide Day of the Feeding, the expositores of Fruit Attraction closed his third edition with a brooch of gold solidario: yielding more than 10.000 kilos of fruits and hortalizas to the Bank of Foods of Madrid. A figure that triplicó the foods delivered the previous year, and reached “thanks to the generosity of the organisers/organizers and expositores of the fair, and the help of all the volunteers that helped in the collected of the foods”, as they communicated the managers of Bank of Foods.

The day before, Javier Espinosa Martínez, president of the Bank of Foods of Madrid, did delivery in the frame of the Fair, of some diplomas of gratitude to Raúl Alley and Jorge Brotons, director of Fruit Attraction –in representation of Ifema–, and president of Fepex, respectively.

Related Companies or Entities

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas Vivas
Fruit Attraction - IFEMA

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