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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Francisco Rodríguez, presidente de Asprocan, Productores de Plátanos de Canarias

"The loss of share of the sector banana can encrypt her, and without fear of being wrong, by 30%"

Interview with Francisco Rodríguez, President of Asprocan, producers of bananas of Canary Islands

Nerea Gorriti23/11/2010
The production of bananas, which accounts for 30% of agricultural production in the Canary Islands "through a situation without precedent in the history of the sector", in the words of Francisco Rodríguez, President of bananas of Canary Islands, Asprocan. The crisis, and especially the massive inflow of bananas of Latin America, as a result of the change of the tariff policy of the European Union, predict a negative annual assessment. At Interempresas we take their participation at Fruit Attraction, which showed its commitment to social responsibility with a respectful stand with the environment.

They participate in the fair with a stand that shows its commitment to Corporate Social responsibility

For three years we are engaged in various initiatives to have a product the most natural possible. To this end we have promoted initiatives to try to counter pests with natural products.

This stand to project this new initiative that we have put in place and to pass on to our consumers that we grow in crafts, healthy, and healthy way. Ultimately what we want is to provide our consumer a product with all the guarantees of quality as it is the banana in the Canary Islands.

Francisco Rodríguez, President of Asprocan
Francisco Rodríguez, President of Asprocan.

How is the "artisan" technique which is used for their production?

We are trying to combat pests by natural predators, for example, insects that feed on these plagues, which remove all chemicals and act on the plague with natural products.

We found a completely distorted market to which we were accustomed. We lose market share

Tell us about Community aid and of the challenges facing the production and marketing of bananas...

This year, it crosses a situation very complicated and unprecedented in the history of the sector. In what refers to subsidies, the banana receives aid from the European Union through the POSEI, which arrive in the banana sector € 141 million. This amount has become inadequate because, from December 15 last year, the lowering of tariffs was activated. It's a considerable tariff reduction, since we are talking about 28 euros per tonne, which no doubt have an impact on the price. We found a completely distorted market to which we were accustomed. We are losing market share. In fact, at present, the loss share her can encrypt and without fear of being wrong, by 30%.

This situation is further exacerbated by the bilateral agreements promoted by the Government of Spain. That is why, although we have these subsidies, they are insufficient. Therefore we propose an increase in the financial part of the EU statement, while the Spanish Government transport aid so far today we do not have you have raised.

There has been an important step forward, since we will already have the option that we pick up within the framework of the Royal Decree of transport. For the moment, we take that principle with caution and precaution, since that agreement without financial statement, in the end not attends to the sector. Because ultimately, much Royal Decree which modify, is clear that, if there is no financial statement, you will not have effect.

Stand of bananas of the Canary Islands at Fruit Attraction
Stand of bananas of the Canary Islands at Fruit Attraction.

To address this critical situation, what other initiatives have been undertaken to encourage its use?

In addition to the above, we have processed and it will be ready in a few days, the public information similar to a designation of origin, protected geographical indication. This initiative is very important for our industry.

In addition, we have launched initiatives in schools to recover the lost market. For example a pilot project, specifically at the end of last September in La Rioja, through which we intend to move all the experience of the crop to the school. We looked for the participation of the entire school community – parents, teachers and students - through a kind of interactive game in which those classes that reach a certain score, will be able to go to the Canary Islands and see live and live, how to grow. This is the best way to communicate what product is the one we have and how we do.

We also promote projects in other markets, as it is the case of Germany and Belgium. In this line we work with Icex and Proexca, and hope to put in place early next year.

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