
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Frutas y hortalizas de invierno, para tu salud y tu bolsillo

Fruit and vegetables of winter, for your health and your pocket


05 December 2013


Although thanks to the technology can consume any product during all the year, the true is that the nature has his rhythm. From “5 to the day” want to deny the myth that practise a good feeding is expensive and difficult, since if we eat fruit and vegetables of season our pocket, our health and our palate will appreciate it to us. Here we have some examples of products that will be able to find in your frutería, in his optimum point in these wintry months:

  • The chards are rich in vitamin C and source of vitamin To and magnesium, all they essential nutrients for a correct nutrition. To the hour to buy them is better to choose the smallest, since they will be the more sabrosas. They are very versatile admitting several forms to cook them, besides can prepare them with the spices that more like you.
  • The artichoke is now in his best moment and consuming it will be helping to our organism to cover his needs of fibre, as it is the vegetable that richer in this nutrient. To avoid that it blacken by the oxidation that produces when cutting it, the best is rociarla with some droplets of juice of lemon.
  • The cauliflower finds his best period of production between the months of September and March. Regarding his nutritious properties can stand out that it is a vegetable of scarce contribution calórico, besides contributes source of fibre, potassium and vitamins C and B6..
  • The citrus fruit find them with abundance and at good cost in the market during the months of winter. The Mandarins are easy to eat in any place and by his sweet flavour, are very attractor trucks for the boys. Besides, in this period can find crowd of varieties of oranges, as for example the Sanguinelli, Navelinas, Navel-late... The citrus fruit are the kings of the winter because they contribute us big quantities of vitamin C, that contributes to the normal operation of our immune system.
  • The pomegranates are one of these special fruit that only can find in the months of October to January. Although it is a bit laborious to peel is very versatile and can use it so much in salads, as to do sauces or like dessert. It contributes us fibre and vitamins C, B6 and sour fólico, that is essential during the pregnancy.
  • The quince is another of the typical fruit of winter. It is important to not to consume it usually in shape of sweet of quince, or at least, no in big quantities, since of this form his contribution calórico shoots by the big quantity of sugar added. Can consume cooked so much in sweet dishes like salty. In spite of his high content in fibre, has properties astringentes.

The consumption of the 5 rations of fruit and vegetables to the day can be something fun, miscellaneous and cheap.


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Asociación de Promoción del Consumo de Frutas y Hortalizas 5 Al Día - 5aldia

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