Berthoud Agricole, S.A. | Berthoud, S.a.s. - Polvoritzadors arrossegats

Berthoud Fructair Tc

Pulverizador Dragged: for trees and viñedos

Picture of Pulverizador Dragged
Endowed of a ventilation of 840 mm with aspiración rear, the Fructair Tc is an at the same time simple device, robust and effective. The álabes fixed placed n the aspiración improve the performance.?eno Realises/Realizes through the orifice of visit and the mix realises/realizes by one or several hidroinyectores according to the capacity of the tub and account like option with a bomb of mix in 1.500 and 2.000 l.%Wing tub of enjuague integrated, of an equal capacity to 10% of the volume of the main tub, allows enjuagar effectively the device.?uenta With filters in the rellanado (8/10) and in the aspiración (6/10) and is instrumented with bomb of pistón membrane APS 96 (91l/min-40 bar), a valve of 1/4 of turn that allows vaciar the device with total security, a tub washes hands of 15 l integrated in the main tub and an estribo of series for the devices of 1.50 and 2.000 l.