Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Termohigrómetros e higrostatos para climatización

Testo 622/623

Measurers of temperature, humidity and pressesure: perfecto for the manager of the maintenance of some installations

Picture of Measurers of temperature, humidity and pressesure
The measurer of temperature and humidity Testo 622 is the appropriate instrument for the manager of the maintenance of some installations, mainly thanks to the possibility to consult the previous values. The measurer shows the current values and the previous in a wide visualizador of easy reading. The user can see so much the humidity like the temperature registered during the last days in the histogram, configurable to the last hour, the last two, the last 12, the last 24 or the 12 last days. In definite, the Testo 623 can memorise the data of the last 12 weeks.

In addition to the temperature and the humidity, the Testo 623 also measures pressesure, provision of special interest for the applications in laboratories. The user benefits to be able to see of an alone glimpse in the wide visualizador the current values as well as the date and the hour, by what can fill up to the instant any protocol or report with said data. The instrument is provisto with a function of reminder of calibration to be able to adjust the instrument of regular form. Besides, and of optional form, has of a software of calibration and adjust in case the user wishes to realizar the same in situ this operation.