Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Medidores de pH (pHmetros)

Testo 205

I notarise measurer of pH: compact and of an alone hand

Picture of I notarise measurer of pH
Testo 205 is a compact instrument of a hand designed for the measurement of pH, endowed of a new technology of probes that avoids the break of the electrode.

His design incorporates a big volume of gel of reference of the electrode that guarantees a big length. Other innovations in the design of the electrodes, including the diaphragm of a hole, ensure that to the probes does not affect them the dirt and clean in seconds.

The instrument has been designed taking into account the maximum ease of use. The electrodes of pH can calibrate of simple and easy way, already was in one, two, or three points (values of pH 4/7/10) and the values measured are easy to read thanks to the visualizador lit. All the functions can be activated or desactivadas by the user.

With the testo 205 also can measure pH and temperature of simultaneous way thanks to his probes of pH and temperature. The compensation of temperature and the recognition of the final value do of automatic form. Also it has of an innovative gel of storage. It treats of a cap of gel used to warn the dried the electrode of pH without drippings. It includes also containers of solutions buffer with dosificador to avoid that the solution contaminate .

For greater comfort and suitability of use, the instrument is tight (IP 65).