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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Francisco López Canís, presidente del Grupo Gourmets
“Spain has to do a commercial politics much more aggressive and, especially, more constant”

Interview to Francisco López Canís, president of the Group Gourmets

Javier García24/02/2014

The quality of our gastronomy and of our fish, meats, vegetables, oils, wines and products delicatessen is unquestionable. They enjoy of the recognition in our country and further of our borders and suppose a catchword irresistible for those tourists that arrive attracted by something more than 'the sun and beach' of the years of the decade of 1960. However, we can or we have to promote us more and better. Like this it affirms it Francisco López Canís, president of the Group Gourmets, organiser of the XXVIII Living room of Gourmets, International Fair of Feeding and Drunk of Quality, that opens his doors in Fair of Madrid of the 11 to 13 March.

Francisco López Canís, president of the Group Gourmets. Photo: Group Gourmets

Francisco López Canís, president of the Group Gourmets. Photo: Group Gourmets.

You is in contact for many years with the sector and knows the reality that lives this. How it would describe the current situation? It has affected him the crisis to the sector of the products gourmet?

Think that is the sector to the that less has affected the crisis, obviously by something so elementary like that we have to feed us. From here, there have been quite a lot of movements in Spain, in recognition to a work done by all what turns around the gastronomy and that has obtained an international projection that is undoubted. Have the best restaurant of the world, cooks that are stars and Spain enjoys of an alacena excellent: fish, seafood, meat, vegetables, preserves, oils, wines, cheeses…

Take him out split to this “alacena excellent”?

Well, would have to take it out more to the outside so that it contribute to improve even more the world of the tourism. It is checked and studied and is known by all that the gastronomy is a factor importantísimo for the catchment of tourism. Spain, the fourth more visited country of the world, would have to improve more this source of income because it is very attractor trucks. The Asian tourists, of big economic solvency, no only look for climate, but culture and gastronomy. Therefore, this year the Living room of Gourmets receives to Japan like country invited, an authentic deployment of his kitchen and of his products. They come cooks and Japanese journalists, a symptom that they are very interested in Spain, and we have to answer them and show them all what do.

Think that we know us sell out of our borders?

We have known always produce quite well, but to the hour to commercialise always have had problems. There are examples like the one of Italy that has been much more skillful that we in this appearance. We have to be more perseverantes, do more actions was and also of gone and turn. It does not suffice with going out, it is necessary to bring to the people of out so that they know what do.

What can contribute in this sense an event like the Living room of Gourmets?

Bring every year between 50 and 60 foreign buyers of big chains of feeding, of hospitality industry, of shops, so that they know our products in situ, so that they keep glimpsed with our display units and that all the world know what do. Spain has to do a commercial politics much more aggressive and, especially, more constant.

Along the years of contest, the taste, the palate of the consumers has changed. I understand that it is not the same a commensal today that 20 years ago. What believe carries today?

Think that there is a very clear tendency: it prevails the quality on the quantity. The tendency aims to eat less but eat better, of greater quality. Already it was by problems of health, already was by economy, what himself is true is that the Spanish consumer has more present the quality and a much more open mind. It has travelled, it has seen other kitchens, has tested other products… Have in a feeding that has a global shot, but can not lose of sight our personality and have to improve our products and what do from always.

The living room will receive This year the XXI Contest of Cutters of Ham/Pasture of Extremadura. Photo: Group Gourmets...

The living room will receive This year the XXI Contest of Cutters of Ham/Pasture of Extremadura. Photo: Group Gourmets.

Already centring us in the Living room of Gourmets and a short days of his celebration, with which figures will open this edition?

Although still they can produce small changes, calculate that we will be around the 1.200 display units. Regarding the figure of visitors, logically the desconocemos, but the past year had 78.000.

And they expect to equalise the figures…

Yes, is a very firm fair and rooted, that carries 28 consecutive editions. Therefore, it is logical that is not like a new product in which we ignore how will be the development. The Living room of Gourmets fortunately, by his long path, already has some very consolidated figures.

What can say us regarding the profile of the visitor?

Is only professional. In fact, to the living room only accesses by invitation.

And for the general public?

Simultaneously to the living room there is an annex, the Workshop of the Senses, where carry out a series of activities with an important representation of the products that expose in the living room and that they can catarse and taste. The price of the entrance, of six euros, can change inside the workshop by six consumptions.

One of the appeals of the living room is the School of Sushi of Norwegian Salmon. Photo: Group Gourmets

One of the appeals of the living room is the School of Sushi of Norwegian Salmon. Photo: Group Gourmets.

In addition to this workshop that comments, what other parallel activities would stand out?

In a historical event like the living room repeat many of the activities. This year we reach the twentieth first edition of the Contest of Cutters of Ham/Pasture of Extremadura. It is an authentic show see how takes advantage of a ham; it influences a lot the performance when it is very cut a ham from a point of view of economic profitability and profitability of the senses, for the palate. Also it would stand out the Tunnel of the Wine, for which have the Ministry of Agriculture and Feeding (Magrama).

In what consists?

Will be able to catar a majority representation of the wines that elaborate in Spain, classified or exposed by means of the grapes that compose them. For example, there are representatives of the tempranillos elaborated by different cellars, verdejos, Ink of Bull, the wines of Monaster… Besides, will organise the VII Championship of Spain of Openers of Oysters, the V National Contest of Cocktails of Orujo, the IV Showcooking Gourmets, and the GourmeTapa, star of Galicia, that is the championship of cover gourmet with olive oil of Spain and where there will be a participation of some 30 participants that will be evaluated by a jury formed by prestigious professional and journalists of the sector.

What other spaces would stand out?

The I National Championship of Tiraje of Beer, the School of Sushi of Norwegian Salmon and Aceituning.


Yes, an initiative created to boost the consumption of the olives of Spain, since this country has the greater surface of the world devoted to the crop of the olivo. Also we will have the XIV GourmetQuesos, an interesting sample in which they will be able to catar in the order of the one hundred better cheeses of our country. Other foods that will have his space are the SAW Tunnel of Fruit and Vegetables, the XIV Corner of the Bread or the XIV Corner of the Fish. It is interesting this subject because we do it with a wholesaler.

Of what treats ? To who goes directed?

Pretend that the boys, accompanied by monitors or by professors of his schools, have the opportunity to know, of adentrarse in the world of the fish, to touch it… All explain it fishermen, the authentic teachers of the world of the fish, so that the smallest familiarise and at the same time inculcarles that it is an element importantísimo for a good diet. I calculate that they will participate around 1.200 boys in the 4 days that lasts the living room.

The organisation expects to receive in this edition the visit of 78.000 professionals. Photo: Group Gourmets

The organisation expects to receive in this edition the visit of 78.000 professionals. Photo: Group Gourmets.

Before it commented that one of the activities is a show with cooks. With which will explain in this occasion?

Come usually the most stood out cooks. The list Is closing in these moments, but will have the most known. They do exhibitions of determinate products in the show cooking. It treats of an exercise of skill to charge of the most prestigious professionals of Madrid, Barcelona, Andalucia, of the Valencian Community, of Extremadura, from everywhere.

To conclude with what would give by satisfied with this new edition of the living room?

With that it was so positive as it went it in the year 2013. Curiously, in spite of the situation that cross from does several years, in the previous edition grew and this year have two pavilions. I think that it is a symptom that there is an interest. Our living room is unquestionably the first fair of products gourmet of Europe, and in the international field do not know any similar contest. It is true that there are fairs generalistas very important, but centred exclusively in the product of quality, do not know any.

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