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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Castro y González participa por primera vez en Anuga con sus ibéricos para hostelería

Castro and González participates for the first time in Anuga with his Iberian for hospitality industry


9 October 2013

The signature Castro and González, historical company in the production of Iberian Ham in Guijuelo, Salamanca, has aided by first time to Anuga, the main European contest of the sector of the catering of luxury. The company attends to the contest of the hand of the company Iberian Fine Foods, skilled signature in the internationalisation of products of Spanish quality. Precisely they have attended to the area of ‘Fine Foods', a section of the fair devoted to the exhibition of products of high value added. This contest celebrates every year in the German city of Colony.

Castro and González has wanted to take advantage of this platform to offer to the sector of the European catering his products, mainly Ham, Loin and Iberian Chorizos of Acorn, with his stamp of traditional production in Guijuelo, but adapted to the current needs of the consumers.

Cutter of Iberian Ham in the stand of Castro and González in Anuga...

Cutter of Iberian Ham in the stand of Castro and González in Anuga, that has allowed to the assistants test the products cut manually and by a professional.

The managers of the company have confirmed that chose this contest because it is the most important of the sector in Europe and because it puts in contact to the producers of products of big quality with the sector of the catering. For Castro and González the channel of the catering results especially interesting because in him the professionals can communicate to his customers the value added of each product and give them to know the excellences of an Iberian like the one of Castro and González.

In this sense, the company, that finds immersed in a process of diversification of markets and of internationalisation, also has confirmed that his aim for 2014 is to enter of full in the European markets, especially United Kingdom, and strengthen in the sector of the catering, so much national like international.

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#1 - Andrés La Tosta Artesana
11/10/2013 10:17:22
También he tenido la suerte de probar los productos de Castro y González. Una delicia para el paladar, sencillamente exquisitos. Quisiera dejar constancia del arte mostrado por Anselmo, el cortador, hace que el buen jamón sepa aun mejor, y no solo por su impecable presentación.

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