Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Lifting platforms (for internal logistics)

Tables elevadoras electrical of high performance: projects to measure

Picture of Tables elevadoras electrical of high performance

The range of tables elevadoras for installation in foso has a big versatilidad adapting to the majority of the needs. They are ideal for any chain of setting or linea of production of any type of industry. The hydraulics package-engine is situated inside the same structure of the table, what allows big freedom of movements around the table.

The fan of loads goes from 1.000 until 30.000 kg. The elevations go of 800 until 1.650 mm.

Each model allows the partial modification of the size of the platform, what allows to adapt the size of the table to the needs of the customer.

It exists a wide range of accessories eat: protections anticaída for people or loads with door of access, fuelles lateral for protection of dust, lateral wire meshes for prevention of fall of objects, platform giratoria, flaps of load, bases rodantes, etc.

The tables elevadoras of high performance carry the marked CE and fulfil or exceed the European standards as IN 1570. The pack engine fulfils with the rule IN 982 and the electrical system is designed according to the rule IN 60204. The engine has a protection IP55 and the system of control and other electrical components fulfil IP65.

They are available with double tijera already was in horizontal or vertical, to achieve a greater surface of platform or a greater height of elevation.

Disset Odiseo Realises projects to measure.