Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Plastic sports flooring

Disset Odiseo Tock

I am used to of plastic: with big capacity of load and high drainage

Picture of I am used to of plastic
Manufactured according to the directive 67/548/CEE with materials like the polipropileno and particularly the carbonate of calcium that confer him a robustness, rigidity and resistance of until 9.000 kg by loseta.

They are totally recyclable since they do not contain any dangerous substance for the environingingment, in concordance with the managerial REACH. Indicated so much for external as for interior, resistant to the rays ultra violet, temperatures and extreme climatological conditions so much of cold as of heat, acids, dissolvent, oils.

Thanks to having all his no porous surface is immune to funguses and bacteria.

Of easy handle and installation, his applications are multiple: thanks to his height of construction allow a big drainage what does them indicated for swimming pools, showers, spas, cameras and spaces frigoríficos, campings, faã§ades, gardens, greenhouses. By his robustness and resistance for garages, factories, workshops, works, hangars. By his versatilidad in events, exhibitions, mobile spaces.

Easy and fast setting, does not require of any tool. They have of rampas and angles to improve the accessibility and the hygiene. Available in four colours: green, knit, brown and grey. It supplies in pallets of 120 pieces that cover a surface of 20 m2.