Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Lightweight hand trolleys


Car of transport of plastic base: with big capacity of load from 400 kg until 1.500 kg

Picture of Car of transport of plastic base
The car of transport Msa2340 with structure of plastic with nervado inferior to reinforce, is light and easy to manipulate. It has of two metallic bars of reinforcement under the platform of plastic. His colour and appearance is more resistant that the one of a metallic car since neither ralla neither jumps the painting.

This type of car does not require maintenance any.

The car Msa2340 is instrumented with: platform of 1.510 x 750 mm and 4 wheels of high capacity of load of 150 mm by 24 mm of width, two of them fixed and two giratorias. The model for 1.500 kg has of a pair of extra wheels giratorias. The rudder can disassemble easily. It delivers disassembled.