Fagor Industrial - Other refrigeration equipment

Fagor Visual Chill

Abatidores Of temperature: of sobremesa

Picture of Abatidores Of temperature
The model ATM-031S is an abatidor of ideal temperature for the cumplimentación of the sanitary ware rules more demanding in bars of tapeo, bocaterías,establishments of fast food in general, small restaurants,etc.

A product that occupies little space, of sobremesa, and economic. Some of the advantages in the utilisation of abatidores of temperature Fagor Visual Chill are:

- it Avoids the creation of macrocristales, with what keeps inalterada the quality organoléptica (flavour, colour, smell, vitamins, liquids, weight, etc.)

- Saving of personnel, when having possibility of pre-cook out of hours tip.

- Have of a wide menu and miscellaneous to be served quickly with an optimum quality for the customer.

- Saving of time.

- Saving of money.