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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mercado de ferretería y bricolaje crece un 1% durante 2013

The market recovers  after three years of falls

The market of ironingingmongery and bricolaje grows 1% during 2013

Editorial Interempresas31/01/2014

Keeping the already registered growth during the penultimate quarter of 2013, and as it gives off of the Quarterly Report that elaborate jointly Aecoc (Association of companies of Big Consumption) and Afeb (Association of manufacturers of Ironingingmongery and Bricolaje), the perspectives of growth for the sector of ironingingmongery and bricolaje Spanish in 2014 are moderated.

After years of fall of the consumption in the sector, the last 6 months of 2013 have been very positive, allowing close the year with a slight recovery of 1% in sales. This data augura for 2014 some perspectives of growth moderated with a stabilisation of the consumption of the market of ironingingmongery and bricolaje.

The manufacture has had an irregular behaviour along 2013, standing out the third quarter like the best of the year for all the channels in which it operates. Likewise, the start of 2014 has been unstable depending on the geographic zone.

Index of growth of the distributors

Index of growth of the distributors.

In front of the current economic panorama, the annual report concludes that 2014 will not be a year of uniform growth. We are in front of a structural change of the society and of the consumer, in which they appear new opportunities to attract more and better his attention working from the collaboration between manufacturers and distributors. The sector sees benefited of the small renewals of the home that have helped to increase the confidence of the consumer and the moderate consumption, although they keep the falls of the sales associated to new works in the sector of the construction.

In the global of 2013, the modern channel is the one who aims a greater growth, with 2% of average, whereas the traditional channel closes the year to 0%. All these data, give off of the inform ‘Barometer of the Sector' that, trimestralmente and of conjoint form, elaborate Aecoc and Afeb to take the pulse to the market of the ironingingmongery and bricolaje in Spain.

Committee of Economy Afeb

The Committee of Economy of the Afeb elaborates trimestralmente, together with Aecoc, the Reports of Coyuntura Economic of the Sector and elaborates, each two months, the Report of Incidences in which it informs of the non-payments that produce in the sector. Afeb Organises besides 2 economic forums to the year, in which it analyses the coyuntura economic of the sector, to national and international level, in base to the reports generated and to studies realizar by organisms, companies or institutions of recognised solvency.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación de Fabricantes de Bricolaje y Ferretería
Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial

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