ESKUIN, Clúster de la Ferretería y el Suministro Industrial - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
ESKUIN, Clúster de la Ferretería y el Suministro Industrial
Paseo Mikeletegi, 59. Planta baja. Parque Tecnológico San Sebastán
20009 Donostia - San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑943473835  
🖷:  +34‑943474502

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Eskuin Is Cluster of the Ironingingmongery and the Industrial Supply. It is resulted of the union between Herramex (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of hand-held Tools) and some companies of the sector of the Locksmithing.

From Eskuin promote the presentation, defence, internationalisation, normalisation and promotion of common interests of our members, as well as the realisation of actions headed to the improvement of the competitiveness of the sector by means of the cooperation interempresarial.

Herramex Was cream in 1965 and agglutinated to the main manufacturers of the sector; prestigious marks that carry a lot of years internacionalizando his products by all the world. By his part AFACE, association created in 1945, grouped to mark them leaders of the sector of the locksmithing.

All this dilated experience shared supposes a fantastic starting point for a Cluster like Eskuin. Now it has arrived the moment to open new horizons and to give an important jump so much qualitative like quantitative, incorporating for them sectors and companies that complement , and of this form go out all reinforced.

Eskuin, Cluster of the Ironingingmongery and the Industrial Supply, are endorsed by the experience, technological qualification and quality of our product.

Our aim is to offer common services, promote, collaborate and support activities in representation of the business and professional interests of his associated.

And we will achieve it promoting the image of the associated, promoting the collaboration interempresarial and promoting the internationalisation.