Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC)
Ronda General Mitre, 10
08017 Barcelona Spain

Cómo llegar

☎:  +34‑932523900  
🖷:  +34‑932802135

NOTA: Aunque hemos hecho esfuerzos razonables para comprobar la corrección de la ubicación de la empresa/entidad, no podemos garantizarla al 100%

Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC)

With nearly 24,000 associates, AECOC is one of the largest business associations in our country and the only one in which manufacturers and distributors work together for the improvement of the sector in order to add greater value to the consumer.

Companies associated with AECOC invoiced altogether more than 180 billion euros annually, representing about 20% of the national GDP.

AECOC, who was born to promote the introduction into Spain of the barcode, has evolved to offer industry and distribution an indispensable collaboration framework to reach the consumer in the most efficient way possible.