Felder - Spindle moulders

Hammer F3

Tupí: with tope of milling “220”

Picture of Tupí
The tupí F3 offers him no only a technical esmerada in the mechanical construction but also a concept in machinery for the most demanding. The tupí F3 has tiltable axis, with fast change of 4 speeds, a lot of possibilities of adjust, tope of milling ­professional, axis of tupí tiltable and the car for ­ espigar.

Between his characteristics stand out:

Axis of tupí tiltable between 90° and 45°

Tope of milling „220”

Opening of the table of tupí 180 mm

Tables macizas and components of grey smelting

The suspension maciza double of grey smelting of the axis of milling allows a big ­ stability and greater softness in the trip.

The tupí F3 Hammer has tope of milling “220” for tools of Ø maximum of 220 mm. Lanes of the tope ­anodizados, lane of adjustable exit of –5 until +25 mm.

The axis of tupí is standard of Ø 30 mm – for standard tools of milling and for the classical ­“works” of milling.

To request is available, instead of the axis of tupi of 30 mm of diameter: axis of high speed for milling cutters of vástago of 14.000 r.p.m (Permanent modification).