Orpi, S.L. - Bench top drill presses

Golmatic MD 23

Taladro Of sobremesa: universal

The machine of sobremesa universal of Golmatic model MD 23 is distributed in Spain by Orpi, S.L. It treats of a very versatile model, that allows to have of until 7 operations of different work, or what is the same , of “seven machines in an alone”. The 7 operations are the milling vertical and horizontal,the taladrado, the vertical turning and horizontal, the mandrinado and the ranurado.

The model MD 23-L specifically has a table with dimensions of 570 x 160 mm. The route of the axis X is of 350 mm, of the axis And is of 160 mm, of the axis Z vertical is of 300 mm and of the Z horizontal is of 500 mm.

It has of 6 speeds of between 155 and 2.800 rpm by means of box of gears. The seat of the tool is CM-2, optional ISO 30. The power of the engine is of 1 CV and his approximate weight is of 300 kg.

His basic equipment composes of a dish of 3 harps with a diameter of 80 or 100 mm. It includes the contraplato to mount the dish in machine-lathe, and the contraplato cone morse 2. His protection is of metacrilato for the train of milling cutters and his tree of milling cutters is CM-2 with diameter of 16 mm. The spacers for the inner tree have a diameter of 30 x 16 mm.

It includes a cleaner of cones, the tools of service and the bridas of tie up staggered.

This machine is especially designed for investigation and development, laboratories, prototypes, artisans, centres of education, moldistas, matriceros, workshops of repair, bricoladoras, etc.