Business Moulding Supplies, S.L. - BMS (BMS-PMS) - Otros componentes para inyectoras

Insulating blankets of camera: they improve the homogeneity of temperature

Picture of Insulating blankets of camera
These insulating blankets of big quality are an easy solution to isolate cameras of presses to inject. The important decrease of losses of heat reduces considerably the need of necessary power to keep temperatures of containers homogéneas, improve the time of start and the quality of the pieces produced.

Insulating blanket with disk antirebabas (optional) to guarantee a protection against the infiltrations or projections of matter in the bodies of heating and the insulating cameras.

Hot part (internal fabric): Fabric of glass thickness 1 mm. 1 100 °C in continuous. The thermal sensors characteristics exceed the majority of the usual insulation.

Cold part (external fabric): Fabric of fibre of glass impregnated teflon, thickness 0,4 mm, 260 °C. The revestimiento external of teflon is resistant, flexible and antiadherente to the projections of matter. It washes easily.

Isolation: Fibre of ceramics of 25 mm of thickness; 1 260 °C. Without amianto, long resistance to the extreme temperatures with excellent insulating properties.