Orpi, S.L. - Indexers

Golmatic RT 150

Device divisor: of circular table

Picture of Device divisor
The RT 150 of Golmatic, company represented by Orpi, S.L., it is a device divisor of circular table with a good precision of reading, of 1 minute.

Besides, the compensation of holguras allows to realise works of milling circulate in the sense of rotation of the strawberry.

It has of the possibility of direct division with 24 holes of division. With the husillo sinfín bent to out can adjust of fast and precise form the divisions that more use as they are the ones of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24.

The crowbar of fixation enclava the surface of work for the realisation of works of milling difficult. The device divisor included in the group of supplies with the plate divisora and the quadrant can change quickly by the disk graduated. Now they can adjust without difficulty any even divisions complicated for the manufacture of gears.

The long axles of pieces see creame by the counterpoint.

The diameter of the surface of work is of 150 mm and the height of horizontal work is of 100 mm, whereas the height of the vertical axis is of 100 mm.

It exists also the possibility of subjection with 4 slots in T. It has of centred MK2 and the husillo is tiltable and with holgura adjustable. His weight is of 20,1 kg.

The group of supplies with the circular table are a disk graduated, steering wheel, direct division, quadrant, and a plate divisora.

The group of supplies in the complete game is the same that the previous and besides with counterpoint, tip MK2 and device of centred for dish of lathe.

Like optional accessories are available plates divisoras 2 and 3, dish of 3 and 4 harps, brida of subjection and device of centred.