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Celebrated technical day in Madrid

Consequences of the transposition of the directive 2012/27/EU of energetic efficiency

Editorial Interempresas13/12/2013

The past day 28 November, took place the technical day on ‘The immediate transposition to the juridical legislation Spanish of the directive 2012/27/EU of energetic efficiency' in which they participated like speakers Víctor Valverde Grind, of the General Sub-directorate of Energetic Planning and Follow-up, of the Ministry of Industry, Power and Tourism, and Ricardo García Saint José, vice-president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr.

José Manuel Pinazo, president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr, went the attendant to moderate the day. In the first place it entered to Víctor Valverde Grind that it presented the parts of the Directive of immediate transposition, that according to his words, characterises for being very ambitious since it modifies two Directives, the one of requirements of applicable ecological design to products related with the power and the labeling of said products, and derogates other two Directives, the one of the Promotion of the cogeneration and the Efficiency of the final use of the power and the energetic services.

Technical day on ‘The immediate transposition to the juridical legislation Spanish of the directive 2012/27/EU of energetic efficiency'...
Technical day on ‘The immediate transposition to the juridical legislation Spanish of the directive 2012/27/EU of energetic efficiency'.

Of the exposed subjects by Víctor Valverde Grind fits to stand out, the position of Spain (contrary) in front of the same and the main marked milestones by the Directive and Plan of Work and leaf of route for his transposition in Spain.

Víctor Valverde Grind explained in brief the reasons by which Spain has voted against of said Managerial; since it forces to value the savings achieved from the data of reference of the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, that as it is known, has been a period of little economic activity, whereas the achievement of aims will have to realizar between 2014 and 2020, period in which predictably it will produce an improvement in the economic situation according to the last available information of the main institutions.

Commented besides that in the meetings summoned for the transposition of the celebrated Directive with the states members, is putting of self-evident that many of the countries that do not have opposite to the Directive are being conscious now of the big difficulties regarding the works of transposition.

For said transposition is working in the Plan of Action of Energetic Efficiency 2014-2020 (that it will substitute to the Plan of Action of Energetic Efficiency 2011-2020) that will detail the measures to set up to reach the aim of marked saving by the new Managerial.

Will have special incidence on the sector of the edificación, as it is where considers that it exists the potential elder of saving with lower costs of investment. Víctor Valverde Grind manifested that in this area expects follow having the advice of Atecyr of equal form that has come realizar in the last years.

18 months for the transposition

The transposition of the Managerial has to do in 18 months (4 December 2012 to 5 June 2014). And for this exist diverse milestones that fulfil, with different dates of development. To 31 December 2013, for example, it has to be finalised a ‘inventory of buildings of the Central Government'.

The minimum aim foreseen of saving for Spain in the period 2014-20 (in terms of final power) rises to 15.979 Ktep, what equivale to an additional saving of 571 Ktep/year.

Once determined the aim of saving, Spain has to establish the measures through which will achieve the fulfillment of said aim, what will have to be communicated to the Commission before 5 December 2013.

The measures that at present are analysing from the government are:

• With regard to the System of obligations of energetic saving, the Directive establishes that the distributors and/or the available retail companies of power are the parts forced to reach an aim of saving accumulated from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2020.

• Another possible measure of performance, contemplated in the Directive 2012/27/EU, and that would serve to back the system of obligations, is the creation of a national Bottom of energetic efficiency, that agglutinate all the available sources of financials, included Community Bottoms.

• Alternative measures to consumers: public prosecutors, standards of efficiency, others: information, learning, education, etc.

In concrete, from the Ministry of Industry, Power and Tourism, are working in the development of an only norm that englobe all those appearances of the Directive that are of his competition, already are of the General Sub-directorate of Energetic Planning and Follow-up, Electrical Power or Hydrocarbons.

From the point of view of the General Sub-directorate of Planning, Víctor Valverde Grind informed that they already have of a first draft that are developing through groups of work and that will publish in December of this year.

In principle, this proposal would transact like a project of Royal decree in which it would realizar the transposition of the Directive in the field of competitions of the Ministry and would realizar the transposition of the articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.

This project of Royal decree establishes a system of accreditation for providers of energetic services and energetic auditsors to regulate the conditions and requirements that have to observe for the accreditation of these providers and auditsors.

Is precise to establish a mechanism that guarantee the technical competition of said evaluadores and his subjection to norms of international character. And this is exactly in what it consists the accreditation.

The project of Royal decree will modify the Royal decree 1027/2007, by which approves the Regulation of thermal sensors sensors Installations in the buildings, regarding contabilización of consumptions. In concrete, would modify the IT ‘Contabilización Of consumptions' and would include two new technical instructions:

• The IT ‘Reading and settlement of consumptions of sanitary ware hot water and heating'.

• The IT ‘Information contained in the settlement to consumers of sanitary ware hot water and heating'.

Energetic auditsor

Once finalised the interesting intervention of Víctor Valverde Grind, Jose Manuel Pinazo yielded the word to the second speaker, Ricardo García Saint José, vice-president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr, that realizar a report under the title ‘Profile of the necessary technical knowledges to be Energetic auditssor to estimate the savings. What measure? How measure? What simulate?'

Ricardo García Saint José explained that the Energetic auditss is a systematic process to know the consumption and has by object improve the energetic efficiency, by what is very important that define very how do it and somebody has to say us how has to to do.

Likewise affirmed that it is not something new, since it exists a Directive 93/76/CEE of the year 1993 that treats on the energetic efficiency, although this did not force, only recommended.

Ricardo García Saint José reviewed other directives that have gone appearing along these years and indicated that the only difference is that this last directive already forces to the states members to realizar an audits and no only recommends it.

Likewise recalcó that it has to audits all that that suppose consumption inside a building, that is to say the technical systems, but also to the own building, because it is this the true responsible of the consumption. If a building asked little power (his demand was small) his consumption ineludiblemente also would be low.

Besides the energetic auditss have to do in all the buildings already are residential, tertiary, or industrial, although as it signalled Ricardo García Saint José, in the industry the auditsoria energetic is something already very widespread.

The work of the auditssoria Energetic has to be realizar by the professionals that have competition no only legal, but also technical, spoken this by the professionalism showed or by means of the specific learning.

Ricardo García Saint José recalcó that it is fundamental can measure the variables of the buildings to realizar an audits and that the energetic simulation himself that it is necessary, but for big buildings. It does not have felt to realizar an energetic simulation of a house, as the time that have to invest in this is not justifiable, with the value added that it supposes you simulate the same.

Ricardo García Saint José is of the opinion that owe to exist several degrees of energetic auditsors, like sucedía in the past with the carnets professional, for example, one for houses, another for small tertiary buildings and another for big tertiary buildings. Obviously the levels of requirement will have to be different.

Likewise, remarked that the audits has to go accompanied of the comprobación of the data and the verification of the improvements proposed, what has to drive to a Plan of Energetic Management to verify the saving proposed and the follow-up of the same, if no the work of the auditsoria would remain only reflected in a report and would not correspond with the reality.

Ricardo García Saint José affirmed that the Directive 2010/31/CEE leaves defined which will be the future of our buildings, ‘the Buildings of Consumption of Power almost Invalid', and resaltó that is prioritario that the administration can define already these types of buildings so that all begin to design the same with these premises.

Finally Ricardo García Saint José remembered that the states members also will elaborate programs for a greater awareness in the homes on the profits of the auditss by means of services of appropriate advice.

Besides the States members will boost that they give programs of learning for the qualification of energetic auditsors with the end to promote that it exist a sufficient number of experts. In this sense, indicated that Atecyr offers his Course of auditssor and Energetic Agent to cover this need.

Delivery of diplomas

Before finalising the technical day, José Manuel Pinazo Ojer, president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr and director of the Course of Expert in Air conditioning of 300 h, organised by Atecyr, did delivery of the diplomas to the students of the first promotion that surpassed successfully the I Course of Expert in Air conditioning.

Ricardo García Saint José, vice-president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr and director of the Course of auditssor and Energetic Agent, of 232 h, did likewise delivers of the diplomas to the students of the first promotion that surpassed successfully the I Course of auditssor and Energetic Agent.

For clausurar the act, Javier Moreno de la Cuesta, president of Atecyr, wanted to surrender a caluroso homage to those that participated in his creation on 6 June 1974, does almost 40 years, doing them delivery of the card of Partner Founder.

Francisco Vighi, Gabriel Barceló and Rafael Úrculo collected his cards and had some words to remember that moment in which they were participate of the first foundations of what is today Atecyr, beside Vicente Mortes, then minister of House and other professionals.

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