
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Brammer se afianza como líder en protección individual

Brammer Strengthens like leader in individual protection


03 December 2013

Gonzalo Amiano, responsible of EPIs of Brammer
Gonzalo Amiano, responsible of EPIs of Brammer.

Brammer Iberia, company leader devoted to services and solutions of maintenance for the industry (MRO), contributes to his customers the knowledges and products more advanced on hygiene and Labour Health, and at the same time works with Asepal, the association of the sector of Equipment of Individual Protection, to optimise of form continued his service in this field and strengthen with this his position of leadership in the sector of MRO.

Brammer Has an increasing presence in the Spanish sector of the personal protection based in a complete catalogue that includes the most important marks of the market. Likewise, the strong promotion experienced by Brammer in this field is due to his condition of leader multinational. This position of privilege allows him know at first hand the advances in labour hygiene developed in the most demanding markets of the world, and puts to his disposal a valuable acervo of pertinent experience of the best companies and manufacturers.

The active mentioned situate to Brammer like point of reference in the market of the hygiene and the Labour Health, and allow him find multiple applications for the products and initiatives of his providers.

In this strategy, Brammer understands that it is fundamental his condition of partner of the Association of Companies of Equipment of Personal Protection (EPIs), Asepal. Only representative of the sector in Spain and for Europe (is founder of the European Federation of hygiene, ESF), the solvency of Asepal turns it into the ideal support so that Brammer develop all his potential.

As it explains Gonzalo Amiano, responsible of EPIs of Brammer, “Asepal is a guide of usual query for many of the integrated professionals in the world of the Labour hygiene. It allows to the managers of Health and hygiene of the Companies users access to information and skilled forums, as well as to formative and promotional days. It does not be necessary to forget, besides, that in the Association are present good part of the main manufacturers and distributors of the country”.

Amiano Also stands out “the support that the Association loans to all his partners members in the relations with the Public Administration. Asepal Collaborates in the establishment of the regulations, norms and legal disposals that affect to his associated, what is of special importance because it is necessary to know with prontitud any normative variation, tendency or study to react and offer to our customers the solutions that better adjust to his particular needs”.

Like member of Asepal, Brammer also enjoys of some relative advantages to the participation in national and international events, conferences, fairs, and symposiums.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación de Empresas de Equipos de Protección Personal
Brammer Ibérica, S.A. - Rubix

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