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Inaugural session of the II Course of Expert in Air conditioning organised by Atecyr

Happened, present and future of the air conditioning

Editorial Interempresas07/10/2013

During the inauguration of the II Course of Expert in Air conditioning, the past 4 October took place a report magistral of Alberto Viti, member of the Technical Committee of Atecyr and ex-president of the same, as well as a round table formed by several members of Atecyr, professionals of the sector and professors of the expert course of Air conditioning.

This II Course of Expert in Air conditioning is cream with the purpose to help to the technicians of the sector to form because of the continuous publication and update of the legislation, as they are the recent publications of the R.D 235/2013, the R.D.238/2013 and of the Order FOM/1635/2013 in which it updates the Basic Document of Saving of Power.

Inauguration of the II Course of Expert in Air conditioning organised by Atecyr
Inauguration of the II Course of Expert in Air conditioning organised by Atecyr.

The first vice-president of Atecyr, Agustín González Alonso, presented the inaugural act, welcomed all the students appreciating them his assistance and interest showed in developing this course and added that it is a true luxury have technical-professionals with this attitude, that carries them follow this process of learning.

To continuation yielded the word to Carlos López Jimeno, general director of Industry, Power and Mines of the Community of Madrid, that went the attendant to inaugurate the course. In his speech, commented the important that is for the Administration and for the professionals of the sector, can have an association like Atecyr that always has the best initiatives and is slope of the formative needs of the sector to give an immediate answer and of quality, and put emphasis on the important that is to form with the suitable institution as it is Atecyr. Sample of this are the certifications that are realizar in the Community of Madrid, which go to be inspected since they have been realizar with quite a lot of negligence and by personnel no formed.

Report magistral of Alberto Viti
Report magistral of Alberto Viti.

After the inauguration, José Manuel Pinazo Ojer, president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr and director of the course, explained to the assistants in detail the matters of which composes the course of 300 hours lectivas, (discounting rests and evaluations) and did an introduction of the professors that give each one of the matters, remarking the important that these contacts can be for the professional future of the students in the development of his work.


Next, yielded the word to Alberto Viti, president of the Scientific Committee of Atecyr, that realizar a report on the past, present and future of the Air conditioning in which it analysed the evolution of the air conditioning through the different decades of the 20th century, remembering the first systems of air conditioning that existed, consistent in cooling air passing off as it bars of ice, until the modern current systems of valves of balanced automatic and integration of the renewable energies like sources of power. During his exhibition, Alberto Viti, indicated that a good technician of air conditioning is the one who knows all the systems and is able to project the most efficient in each situation.

After the intervention of Alberto Viti, realizar a moderate round table by Agustín González, vice-president of Atecyr, in which they took part Alberto Viti, Ramón Velázquez Vila, chair of the ETSII of Seville and member of Technical Committee of Atecyr, José Manuel Pinazo Ojer, chair of the UPV and president of the Technical Committee of Atecyr, Juan Travesí Cabetas, member of the Technical Committee of Atecyr, Jose María Ortiz, general director of Afec, Pilar Pereda Suquet, secretary of the Coam, and Alberto Jiménez Martín, commissioned of learning of Fegeca.

In the table put of self-evident the current state of the sector of the air conditioning, being the sector of the reforms and rehabilitation one of the most active at present. For this reason, and it indicated in several occasions, that the architect and the engineer have to go of the hand, to be able to pose a complete reform, with a viable more technical and economic in the real estate. Ramon Velázquez, signalled that after the approval of the modification of the CTE DB HAVE-1, that limits the demand of power, in addition to the consumption of power of the buildings of new construction is even more important this connection.

Assistants to the inaugural day

Assistants to the inaugural day.

In this sense, Pilar Pereda Suquet (Coam) affirmed that a true rehabilitation involves an integral rehabilitation of the building, and this only can achieve with multidisciplinary equipment or with technicians with high degree of learning and connoisseurs of all the applicable technologies.

Jose Manuel Pinazo added that the good professional technicians have to be able to evaluate no only energetically the improvements of the Installations of Air conditioning but also these have to be profitable economically.

Another of the most stood out points that they tackled during the table was the contribution that the manufacturers do in this continuous modification of the legislation to achieve the aims of the 20/20/20. So much José Maria Ortiz, general director of Afec, as Alberto Jiménez Martín, responsible of learning of Fegeca, coincided in that the obligations that ask them are every time greater, and this does that his products are increasingly efficient. Thus, they defend to ultranza the legislation and ask to the technicians of the sector that develop the projects to fulfil it.

The subject that treated , perhaps the most interesting for the students, was if the technicians of the sector, were sufficiently formed for the realisation of a good project. In this point all were unanimous when saying that the degree of learning in Spain is high, but signalled that definitely with the realisation of this so complete course, the degree of qualification that would purchase would be the best and very valued in the sector.

In this sense, Ramón Velázquez informed that in the universities yes that they give subjects like the transfer of heat or the Psicrometrico, but no with the level of detail and practicidad that in this course give .

Juan Travesí besides aimed that with this course went to achieve also a degree of real knowledge of the installations, that at present does not exist; it commented that at present there is a big distance between the work of the proyectista, the installer and mantenedor of the already realizar installation. Juan Travesí affirmed that the formative contents of the course are headed to to avoid said distance.

Round table

Round table.

Before the closure, Jose Manuel Pinazo congratulated to the students for enrolling in the II Course of Expert in Air conditioning, because with this would achieve a specialisation, to the hour to project the installations of air conditioning, so sued in our country by engineers, companies installers and administration. No longer they need technical that know to project, execute and keep installations type, but technicians that achieve to project several alternatives and value which is the most efficient, easier to execute and whose maintenance was not impossible.

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Asociación Técnica Española de Climatización y Refrigeración

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