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The technical content of the event this year returned to arouse great interest

Successful participation in the 8th annual meeting of Atecyr

Drafting Interempresas05/07/2013

Madrid was the city chosen for the celebration of the 8th annual meeting of Atecyr, technical Spanish Association of air conditioning and refrigeration, which took place June 21, 2013, at the Wellington hotel.

The opening of the ceremony was conducted by Javier Moreno de la Cuesta, President of Atecyr, who thanked all partners and assistants their presence. Then he gave the word Agustín González Alonso, Atecyr Vice President and President of the group, which, as host, welcomed attendees to the city of Madrid.

General view of the 8th annual meeting of Atecyr attendees
General view of the 8th annual meeting of Atecyr attendees.

Pedro Prieto Gonzalez was commissioned to make the opening of the 8th annual meeting of Atecyr. He had a few emotional words for the Association; He recalled that it is partner since his days as a student and thanked the permanent technical and documentary support. Likewise acknowledged the support that made people like José Manuel Pinazo, Chairman of the Technical Committee, and Ricardo García San José, Vice President of the Technical Committee, the Administration to which they followed encouraging to continue this work and they are thinking about work on upcoming issues as they are almost zero energy buildings, and the standardization of facilities sizing and estimation of the energy consumption of the same procedures. He also had a few words of affection for José María Cano, as the own Pedro Prieto said, it is his mentor and to which it owes much "by wisdom transferred".

This edition of the eighth annual meeting of Atecyr was divided into two panels, one on the transposition of the directive 27/2012/EU of energy efficiency and the other on recent publications of amendments to the regulation of heating systems in buildings and the basic procedure for certifying buildings, both new and existing.

José Manuel Pinazo, Chairman of the Technical Committee of Atecyr as moderator, introduced the first of two panels, ' the transposition of the directive 2012/27/EU energy efficiency. Current situation ', and presented to the rapporteur who developed it, Maria Sicilia saviors, Deputy Director of energy planning and monitoring of the Ministry of industry, energy and tourism.

María Sicilia presented topics related to this new directive of energy efficiency, of which include the position of Spain (contrary) against it, the major milestones set by the directive and work Plan and road map for its implementation.

In this context remarked that it has been necessary to update the legal framework of the EU in the field of energy efficiency, creating a common framework, through a new directive to reinforce the objective of achieving a saving of 20% of energy by 2020, and even promoting that new energy efficiency improvements beyond 2020.

He explained in detail the reasons why Spain had voted against that directive which obliges rating achieved savings from the reference data for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 which, as it is known, has been a period of low economic activity, while achieving objectives must be carried out between 2014 and 2020, likely economic recovery period.

Spain in recent years has made an important effort in the area of energy efficiency; in fact with the policies carried out, reached the Community target for 2016, with six years of advancement will not be taken into account.

He also said that in meetings convened for the transposition of the directive with the States members is being revealed that many of the countries that have not opposed the directive are being aware of the great difficulties in terms of the work of implementation now.

Even so, Maria Sicilia stressed that Spain is working in the transposition as one Member State and highlighted the great complexity that this is causing to your branch. As he quoted, this complexity is reflected in the need for a large number of interpretative notes, currently in its draft phase, and the publication of the corresponding final versions are expected in the coming weeks (Art 5, 6, 8, 9,10, 14 and 15 of the directive).

Roundtable on the Royal Decrees of modifications of the RITE (238/2013) and energy certification of buildings (235/2013)...
Roundtable on the Royal Decrees of modifications of the RITE (238/2013) and energy certification of buildings (235/2013).

This transposition to the Ministry of industry, tourism and energy is currently working on the future Action Plan of energy efficiency 2014-2020 (which will replace the 2011-2020) which will detail the measures to put in place to achieve the objective of saving marked by the new directive.

You will have a special impact on the construction sector, as it is where it is considered there is the greatest potential for savings with lower investment costs. In this area is expected to continue to count on the advice of Atecyr in the same way that has been making in recent years

Finally José Manuel Pinazo, Chairman of the Technical Committee of Atecyr, once the paper gave way to the Symposium attendees questions.

Second panel

Then José Manuel Pinazo, again as moderator, began the second Panel, 'Debate on the concerns raised as a result of the entry into force of the Royal Decrees of modifications of the RITE (238/2013) and energy certification of buildings (235/2013)'.

This second panel intervened, first of all, with two papers, José Manuel Pinazo and Ricardo García San José, to present the conclusions on concerns that technicians have moved in the 23 technical conferences that conducted the Association to report real Decree 235/2013 and 238/2013, and then was a round table composed of the directors for industry of the autonomous communities of Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra and Castilla la Mancha.

The first presentation, Balance of entry into force of the energy certification of buildings', was conducted by José Manuel Pinazo, director of the course of Atecyr air conditioning expert. During his speech the current situation he moved to attendees of the development of the energy certification of buildings in our country and the feelings and concerns that technicians have at present. Highlighted the concern about the technical accuracy of the process and that not respecting a bureaucratic pending more giving ideas obtained in presentations of how try to alleviate this aspect. Discussed control, the competent technician, registration and other hot topics today.

The second paper, 'Balance on the amendments of the RITE and upcoming regulatory requirements', was conducted by Ricardo García San José, director of the Auditor and Manager of Atecyr course. During his speech he reminded the audience the main modifications of the RITE such as new requirements of filtering the outside air and new required yields to heat generators. He also recalled that you among all technicians, installers, associations, schools and administration, they must be able, within the scope that each touches them, to launch the new obligations required by European regulations that do not pursue other purpose than energy efficiency. It stressed that future revisions have to be spaced five years (as indicated by the regulation) and that actions as meetings of the whole of sector associations, adopted proposals of concrete change (widely consensual) to provide to management changes and adaptations of the regulation to be more efficient.

The 8th annual meeting of Atecyr was divided into two panels...
The 8th annual meeting of Atecyr was divided into two panels, one on the implementation of the energy efficiency directive 2012/27/EU and the other on recent publications of amendments to the regulation of heating systems in buildings and the basic procedure for certifying buildings.
Within this second panel and then there was a round table in which discussed about the concerns raised as a result of the entry into force of the Royal Decrees of modifications of the RITE (238/2013) and energy certification of buildings (235/2013) and in which participated, apart from the two previous speakers, five Directors-General of industry:
-Juan José Cardesa Cabrera, general director of agro-industrial incentives and energy of the Government of Extremadura.

-Carlos López Jimeno, mining engineer, general director of industry, energy and mines of the community of Madrid.

-Pedro Jiménez Montpeán, director-general of industry, energy and mines of the Region of Murcia.

-Iñaki Morcillo Irastorza, industrial engineer, director-general of industry, enterprises and innovation of the Government of Navarra. Member of the Technical Committee of Atecyr, Member of the directive Board of Atecyr Navarra la Rioja.

-Alfonso Vázquez Valero Ceijas, managing director of energy industry and mines of Castilla - La Mancha.

Before question time each of the directors presented the status of the order, the registration and Control of the energy certification in your autonomous community.

Pedro Jiménez Montpeán, of the region of Murcia, commented that urged more was to create a record for the competent technicians and therefore, this had enabled through an order, faster administrative process, and they are now working on a decree governing the inspection and control. In the same vein, Carlos López Jimeno commented that in the community of Madrid has had enabled the (electronic) register a few days ago and that, for that date, already had 3,600 registered records. Iñaki Morcillo Irastorza, of the Government of Navarra, He pointed out that they had developed the registration and inspection for new construction and therefore adaptive change has been easier. Indian its commitment to carry out the control over those buildings with better energy ratings. Juan José Cardesa Cabrera, of the Government of Extremadura, said that nothing for existing works had been published but that soon is would enable the registry as in Extremadura Decree 136/2009 that regulates the certification of the energy efficiency of new buildings is already published. Finally, Alfonso Vázquez Valero of Ceijas of Castilla La Mancha, showed that their situation was similar as they had already developed the energy certification of new construction with the Decree 6/2011.

Then the moderator, José Manuel Pinazo, performed a few questions to each director, collecting the mood and concerns of participants of the days of presentation of the modification of the RITE and basic procedure of certification by Atecyr. Once the round of questions, discussed the questions of the public who had come to the table in writing.

Most relevant conclusion of all round table noted the great interest this topic showing the different regional authorities, different starting point and means available, and the different points of view on how to implement records or the external control in their territories. A sunset is claimed in common with a view to coordinate as much as possible ways to interpret and implement the energy certification and the modifications of the RITE in all Spain.

Finally, Javier Moreno de la Cuesta, President of Atecyr, gave the word Enrique Ossorio Crespo, Minister of economy and Finance of the community of Madrid, which closed the eighth annual meeting of Atecyr (before carrying out the closure signed as President of Fenercom, together with Agustín González, President of Atecyr Center, a cooperation agreement between both institutions).

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