Ursa Ibérica Aislantes, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Ursa Ibérica Aislantes, S.A.
Paseo Recoletos, 3
28004 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑977631705  
🖷:  +34‑915217756
w:  www.ursa.es
Manufacture of thermal sensors insulating materials and acoustic

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Ursa Ibérica Aislantes, S.A.

Ursa Is a pertaining company to the multinational Uralita, devoted to the production and commercialisation of materials of thermal sensors and acoustic insulation oriented to the sustainability and energetic efficiency in the edificación.

It has a wide commercial presence so much in Spain as in Europe thanks to his 14 plants of production delivered strategically in all the European continent.

Ursa Is, to day of today, one of the greater manufacturers of Europe in wool of mineral of glass and poliestireno extruído (XPS), two materials of isolation totally complementary that contribute to isolate thermal sensors and acoustically the buildings.

Ursa Has of products of quality to satisfy all the needs in civil engineering, technical isolation, covers, walls and floors, offering besides a personalised service of first category and a capacity for the resolution of difficult problems to equalise.

The products of Ursa help to reduce the energetic demand of the buildings, mainly in heating and refrigeration, allowing to the users a reduction in the energetic consumption and, in sustainability, these products no only contribute to the welfare of the final user, but also help to the environingingment, reducing the broadcasts of CO2, and to the economy of the country, diminishing the dependency of this to the fuels fossils, and fulfilling like this the aims of Kyoto.

Nowadays, the consumption of intelligent power equivale to sustainable consumption. Ursa Has positioned of clear form to give answer to the challenge of the sustainability in the edificación. Invest in isolation comports to save in the energetic bill, protect the environingingment, reduce the external energetic dependency and improve the quality of life increasing the comfort of the inner environingingments.

Ursa Works daily to improve even more his position by means of innovative products, new lines of business and the strengthening of his position in the international market.

The aims of Ursa are to consolidate like referent in the sector of the energetic efficiency, being necessary concienciar to the society that, to day of today, already exist necessary technological solutions to improve the energetic efficiency of his homes.