Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Moisture meters

Testo series 6651 y 6681

Transmitters of humidity with autoverificación: for measurements in industrial applications

Picture of Transmitters of humidity with autoverificación

The generation of transmitters of humidity Testo series 6651 and 6681 has designed specifically to fulfil with the requistos of the industrial state: high reliability, fast installation and set up, and simple maintenance. For this had to endow to the transmitters with several world-wide innovations: the capacity of autoverificación of the transmitter, that increases the availability of the system thanks to the immediate alarms, and the historical internal of all the reports of errors and incidences. And no less important the parametrisation, the adjust and the analysis with the software P2To, of use extremely easy.

The testo 6651 and testo 6681 are designed to regulate and control critical climates and processes of dried. These so demanding measurements effect with the sensor of humidity Testo, recognised worldwide by his high stability on a long-term basis. Incomparable technology in the measurement of humidity, with solutions for high accuracies as well as special applications (high humidity, humidity in H2Or2, trace of humidity, etc.)

The testo 6681 is the first transmitter of humidity instrumented with an interface optional to the bus of field Profibus-DP, to integrate directly all the values of measurement and reports in the industrial automation Profibus.

This new concept bases in calibrated and interchangeable probes.

The capacity and competition of testo in the measurement of humidity complements with probes designed specifically for special applications as high humidity and half corrosivos.

The range of a glimpse:

- Two series of models: transmitter estandar and special transmitter

- Probes calibrables and interchangeable

- Wide range of probes for special applications as high humidity, etc.

- Reports of immediate alarms

- Concept of adjust flexible, p.ej. In situ with the portable instrument Testo

- internal Register to trace all the configurations, errors and adjust

- Interface Profibus optional.