Roegele, S.A. - Thermoforming machinery

Illig RV 43c

Third generation of termoconformadoras: it allows a guided punctual of the operator

Picture of Third generation of termoconformadoras
The automatic machine of moldeo by empty with support of 3 bar of pressesure, allows a profitable manufacture of containers done with all the thermoplastic, easy handle, big capacity of production (until 40 cycles/min), fast change of mould and adjust basic by computer.

In a basic version, the RV53c, is instrumented with station of warming, moldeo and coined. Like supplementary equipment, there is different stations of apilado and a punzonadora for cut of orifices.

With the new technician of accionamiento, the tables of coined, can move in intermittent diet or with slow course, which has a very positive effect when adjusting the cut with fleje troquel.

Station of apilado: The servomotors for accionamiento of the movements of apilado, have an elder confort of adjust and handle. The careers of the pistón of break and of the empujador adjust very easily by means of the procedure Teach-in. The routes prefixed by the operator are registered by the system of control of the machine like values of adjust, these values can store and reduce the times of manufacturing and give place to a greater efficiency, with time more reduced.

The termoconformadoras of 3ª generation, thanks to his modern and functional structure of program, allow a strategy of optimisation, With which the customer can improve the performance, the quality of the product and the hygiene of production.

A novelty is the recently developed interface of the user, that allows a guided punctual of the operator, through each one of the phases of optimisation. This means that, for his optimisation, the machine prefixes automatically for the operator the parameters selected for the performance, according to the program of moldeo, whose effects represent in an interface of the recently developed user. An important advantage of this visualisation is the punctual representation of the necessary informations and of the functions of adjust according to the principles of the professional industrial design. The interface is easy to understand, avoiding errors of handle, thanks to a structure of the clear and simple menu.

The navigation by each one of the pages of the menu, is very comfortable and can select in the signpost of control. The system of dialogue also includes an electronic help, that finds in the system of handle.