Ariston Ibérica, S.L.U. - Electric water heaters

Ariston Pro B STI

Termos Electrical of big litrajes: anode of magnesium of big dimensions

Picture of Termos Electrical of big litrajes
Pro B STI Is a termo electrical of big litrajes. The anode of magnesium increased, of dimensions particularly high, easy to keep and/or substituir, protects constantly and of effective way the calderín.

The calderín is endowed of the exclusive technology of esmaltado to the titanium with treatment to 850 ºC. It is available in the capacities of 300 and 500 litres.


- Maximum efficiency and hygiene.

- Calderín esmaltado To the titanium to 850 ºC.

- Anode of magnesium of big dimensions.

- Wide pletina of inspection for a better maintenance.

- Maximum protection IP 25 D.

- Big discharge of hot water.

- Possibility of connection trifásica.

- Installation on floor.