Felder - Clean air dust extractors

Felder AF 22

Systems of aspiración: with capacity of sacks of shavings of 400 l

Picture of Systems of aspiración
The system of aspiración of Felder has a maximum capacity of aspiración in a very reduced space. Very easy to use thanks to the system of fast change of sacks of shavings. It possesses takings of aspiración usable so much for flexible as for tubes of aspiración. It has of sacks of shavings of apt special material for big content of dust in the air aspired.

Between his characteristics stand out:

I Fix

Taking of aspiración 160 mm

volumetric Flow máxi. 3100 m³/h

Depressesion máxi. 2510 Pa

Capacity of sacks of shavings 400 litres, sist. Of fast change of sacks