Roegele, S.A. - Temperature regulators

System alternante of temperature of the water of 10 to 205 °

Picture of System alternante of temperature of the water of 10 to 205 °
Single Temperiertechnik GmbH (Hochdorf/ Germany) has presented his system alternante of temperature with profits for the applications like moldeo by injection for thick cavities.

The processes of moldeo by conventional injection involve heating or cooling of the mould to achieve a constant temperature along the cavity on the wall of the mould by the total length of the cycle of injection. During the cycles of time longer, however, could be useful operate with a temperature of variable wall, during the injection and the cycles of refrigeration. This approach is beneficial for the production of the thick cavities, like lens, or for products with thick areas or accumulations of material, allowing a precise reproduction of the details of surface and providing a change in the cycle of refrigeration after the phase of injection. The systems alternantes of temperature are ideal for this method of control of temperature cíclica in 2 circuits. Single Tem-periertechnik GmbH Is backed by the years of experience and success in this field. These systems operate with thermal sensors fluids colds and hot, which are transported through the channels of control of temperature in variations cíclicas.

The basic design of the systems of temperature of the systems alternantes is similar to the unit of control of the 2 cycles of temperature, where the thermal sensors fluid with the temperatures required is available in the 2 circuits. The unit caters control for the temperature in each circuit, whereas the time of cycle and the one of on time of cold to fluent heat, are determined by the machine. A system PLC controls the processes of sequences of the system of control of temperatures. The systems alternantes of temperature manufactured by Single are appropriate for water until 205 °C and oil for special applications like fluent termales.

The systems alternantes of temperature are successful if they use during a cycle of time relatively long and in conjunction with the technology of the mould, that provides for a very good transfer of heat to the cavity - a prerrequisito for a fast change of temperature. With this technology of cycles of time can be reduced considerably and therefore guided to a higher productivity of the process. They are appropriate the insertos of copper-beryllium with a conductivity termal very good and the mould insert with channels of refrigeration in direct contact with the outline of the mould as much as the available from the innovative manufacturers.