Tama Ibérica, S.L. - Extraction and filtration installations


Subestaciones filtrantes: for the leak of shaving, dust and wooden sawdust

Picture of Subestaciones filtrantes
I instrument to modulate sleeved, with continuous automatic download, for the leak of shaving, dust and wooden sawdust. The structure is realizar in solid panels of sheet galvanised atornillados between them and subdividida as follows:

- upper Body, that contains devices of cleaning, structure of support of the sleeves, sleeves filtrantes of diameter 220 mm and tubular plate.

- Inferior body, with hopper of collected and systems of evacuation and download (sinfín and valve of star), mounted on legs.

The group is designed to work in on-pressesure: the dirty air goes in in the precámara of entrance in which it produces the decantation of the most consistent shavings; next it goes up by the interior of the sleeves and goes out filtered by the high part: with a camera of distribution of exit adapted the air can be recovered in the environingingment or expelled through the gate by-pass.

Efficacia Of leak cleaning:

The cleaning of the sleeves filtrantes can realizar with electromechanical shakes cíclicas or with flow of air in contralavado through helicoidal fans: the dust that falls in the hopper is evacuated through a system of continuous transport in chain or by sinfín until the valve of star, that downloads the material in the tubed of pneumatics transport or directly in a silo of storage, depending on the position of setting of the filter. From the silo, by means of extractor systems equipment equipment adapted, can feed a boiler that work with rests of firewood: the operation of the installation is entirely automatic, without hand-held need of work. On request, it is available the version with upper entrance autolimpiante, without devices of cleaning and especially indicated for fine and light dust, as for example the produced in processes of esmerillado.


- Hopper with screw of extraction equipment equipment for the download in contínuo of the material filtered.

- Necessary rotary presses valve for hermetizar the different passages during the download.

- Sailor ladders and roof that allow the access to the top of the filter to change the sleeves or realizar eventual operations of maintenance.

- Special landing that gives access to the central body of the filter to control the battery filtrante.