Maconse, S.L - Other refrigeration equipment

Spirals for the freezing and dehydration of alimentary products: cárnicos, vegetal, repostería, nuts, etc

Picture of Spirals for the freezing and dehydration of alimentary products
The operation of this machine consists in the entrance of the product by the inferior part of this, where automatically distributes by all the width of the modular band that there is in the interior of the machine to take advantage of to the maximum the dimensions of said modular band.

The interior of the team consists of a rotary presses drum that drags the modular band by contact with the side of the same. In the exit of the machine there is installed a motorreductor to collect the tongue of band once that leaves to be in contact with the drum, this motorreductor also is the one who marks the speed and the time of the process.

This machine can configure depending on the external components for diverse processes as they could be freezing and dehydration.

This machine carries installed two systems of generation of hot air by means of steam (aerotermos) with two centrifuges fans that promote the hot air to the interior of the vertical tunnel, also carries installed an axial fan for the cooled of the product in the exit of the tunnel, that allows like this the storage of the product to a suitable temperature.

The movement of the product in the interior of the tunnel realizar by means of a band modulate that in the entrance and the exit of the machine works of linear form and once the band in the interior of the tunnel describes a helicoidal movement. The traction of the band carries out by means of a rotary presses drum, finding the motorreductor of the drum in the inferior zone of the machine.

The machine also incorporates a system of tightened for the modular band by means of a free axis, in addition to having of two systems of hygiene, one for the tightened that allows to keep it between two points, minimum and maximum, and another to avoid damages by lifting of the modular band during the operation, avoid like this reach minimum tensions.