Ininsa - Invernaderos e ingeniería, S.A. - Warehouses and temporary industrial buildings


Ships for use agricultural warehouse: with special configurations

Picture of Ships for use agricultural warehouse

Ininsa Has expanded his range of greenhouses with structures thought for use like warehouse. These structures have been especially developed by his own Department of R&D, and calculated following the specifications of the Technical Code of the Edificación (CTE).

It treats of structures created from his greenhouses model multicapilla, to which place covered rigid type (already was of plate ondulada of PVC or polycarbonate, metallic sheet galvanised and/or pre-lacada, and signpost sándwich). These structures can realise in several widths of ship, according to the available space and the needs of the customer: from 6,4 until 10 and 12 m of width by each ship. The height under canalón of these structures can be very variable, adopting to the needs of each customer. Can place zenithal ventilations, lateral or frontal, as well as also windows of small dimensions in the half upper windows of the frontal, being able to accionar all they of manual way or motorise for his automatic operation.

Regarding the doors, these structures are thought so that they can place all type of doors in function of the needs of the customer: doors standard sliding type (of 1 or of 2 leaves), doors of big dimensions type basculantes ple-levies with portón peatonal or without him, doors type seccionales automatic or manuals especially designed for docks of load or zones of trafico constant of load and download, etc.

The most important characteristics of these structures is that they can request with two constructive configurations special:

- Structure of double arch in the ceiling: This is very advisable for those cases in which it needs have a greater free height in the interior of the ships to store or paletizar products. It achieves substituting the simple arches of the standard structure by a beam formed by a double arch, which allows to delete all the structural reinforcements standard situated under the curves (horizontal suspenders, tirantillos vertical, and diagonal suspenders) to achieve a greater free height in the interior of the ships.

- Structure with beams of celosía: it uses in those cases in which it needs have an inner space the more diáfano possible, very useful for zones with big trafico of carts, vehicles of load, etc. Achieves placing beams of celosía under the channels (happening to have inner pillars separated each 4 or 5 m to have them each 8 or 10 m) to achieve greater distances between the inner pillars.

These two options can combine , achieving structures with double arch and with beams of celosía inner.

The structures can install with pillars bedded and cimentados in zapatas isolated, with pillars atornillados on anchorages previously cimentados in zapatas, or well with pillars atornillados to solera run existent by means of hardware special (without opening need of hoyos).