Estaciones Depuradoras, S.A. - Septic tank

Septic pit: apt for small collectivities in which it does not require a quantity of poured very high

Picture of Septic pit
The septic pits realise an anaerobic biological treatment. In the first compartment, produces a decantation of the matters in suspension heavier and a digestion of these. In the second, the matters in suspension lighter find better conditions for sedimentar and be equally decomposed. Very important separate the pluvial waters of the faecal.

It treats of a simple system, apt for small collectivities in which it does not require a quantity of poured very high, or used like first treatment of a more complex process.

It is necessary the installation of a system of aireación in the entrance of the team, to be able to evacuate the gases produced in the first compartment, as well as the previous placing of a separador of fats for the elimination of soaps and detergents of the kitchens.

The slimes deposited at the bottom of the pit will delete like minimum once a year, leaving 1/5 of his volume for the regeneration of the colonies bacterianas.

For the set up of the pit, recommends the use of an activador of bacteria, that in dose optimises the performance.