FM Grupo Tecnológico - Hospital facilities

FM grupo tecnológico

Quench tube: extraction of helium

Picture of Quench tube
FM technology group designs, manufactures and installs security for the evacuation of gas piping systems in helium cryogenic systems, present in MRI. This security system is necessary to idle the superconducting magnet.

The Quench consists of a rapid heating of the helium that gives as result the passage of State liquid or gaseous and quickly escape the bathroom crigenico. Temperatures that most high, the coils are not a superconductor to become resistive.

This rapid heating, in general, be accompanied by a strong explosion, a thundering sound or whistles, along with a stream of cold gas expulsion. The Quench may result from the activation of the button stop magnet, or spontaneously, caused by a defect in the own magnet.

The evacuation of Quench system complies with the requirements and qualities of the leading manufacturers of medical electrical equipment, for which FM group technology develops estimates, execution and installation in work projects.