Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter Reno-U/-Ramp

Profiles of finish: for continuous transitions in pavimentos

Picture of Profiles of finish
Schlüter-Reindeer-Or/-Ramp is a special profile for a continuous transition between pavimentos of different heights. Besides they remain protected of effective form the singings of the different coatings. By means of the separador incorporated remains a clear-cut board between the profile and the baldosa.

Schlüter-Reindeer-Or also is apt in zones with high mechanical aggressions (entrances of garages and of ships, shopping centres, etc.). The surface dress bent of the profile Schlüter-Reindeer-Or forms an angle of 25° and finalises with a kerb of finish of 4 mm of height. In this way it avoids the learning of ladders between coatings of different heights.

It recommends especially the use of Schlüter-Reindeer-Ramp in zones with high mechanical aggressions by intense traffic of carts elevadoras. This profile is especially indicated for the step of this type of vehicles by his soft inclination of aproximadmente 10° and his salient singing to level of the pavimento. Also it is possible the realisation of continuous transitions in zones adapted to the needs of the handicapped persons.

Schlüter-Reindeer-Or is available in brass (-MU), aluminium (-AU), aluminium anodizado (-AEU), stainless steel (-EU) and stainless steel brushed (-EBU). Schlüter-Reindeer-Ramp is available in aluminium anodizado (-AERP).

Schlüter-Reindeer-MU of brass is ideal to absorb high mechanical loads. The brass is resistant to practically all the chemical products, that use usually in combination with pavimentos ceramic.

Schlüter-Reindeer-EU/-EBU is manufactured of throw of sheet of stainless steel, V2To (material 1.4301). The stainless steel is highly resistant to mechanical aggressions and especially ideal for those fields, that require a high resistance to chemical products.

In the case of Schlüter-Reindeer-AU of aluminium is recommended to check his idoneidad in those cases in that it foresees a chemical aggression.

Schlüter-Reindeer-AEU/-Ramp of aluminium anodizado presents a matt surface thanks to his layer anodizada, that under some normal conditions of use does not experience changes. The surface has to protect of abrasive objects or that they can rayarla.