Roegele, S.A. - Thermoforming machinery

Illig UA 155g

Plates of regulated processes moulding machines: it allows an increase in the number of cycles

Picture of Plates of regulated processes moulding machines

Illig, represented by Helmut Roegele, has developed a new generation of moulding machines of plates of regulated process that marks new guidelines that the increase in the number of cycles and the quality of the product is concerned. This series of machines is available optionally various molding surfaces and various equipment, allowing the user to use the machine better and cheaper to manufacture.

The modular design of this concept allows combination possibilities ranging from the basic machine to high-performance machine, configured and regulated processes.

The greater the enlargement, the greater the production capacity and so much more convenient and faster will be the exchange of mould, reducing the cost of manufacture of the product at the same time.

The characteristics of the equipment may vary according to the requirements of the customer and it can be supplied in different combinations. With multiple variations resulting from this, various concepts of work and the regulation of processes can choose the most effective technique that allows virtually unlimited termoconformar.

A notable feature for optimal configuration of the processes in motion is the use of the servo motor to the drive. It has many advantages: the movements of each of the functions can take place more quickly and with different profiles of speed. In addition, the fastest routes for tables give rise to a better distribution of the thickness of the walls and a minor loss of heat in the event of thinner semi-finished products. Application examples: movement of moulding, actuation of the framework for setting tables, transport of the semi-finished products and drive in the upper table. Especially fast and exact movements also influence positively the quality of the product, given that for example drawing aid devices may come with precision and speed independently defined in large part of the environmental conditions. Thus, areas of large castings can dilate previously and shaping of a more accurate way, which has as a consequence some semi-finished products more thin, leading to greater profitability.