Roegele, S.A. - Thermoforming machinery

Illig UA 100 4g y RDK 54

Moldeadora Of ironingings and machine of moldeo by air compressesed

Picture of Moldeadora Of ironingings and machine of moldeo by air compressesed
The signature Illig Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.Illig UA 100 4g, moldeadora of ironingings with automatic feeding of ironingings

Automates the feeding of the moldeadora and allows to use diverse technologies of heating for the previous warming and final of the semiproductos.It gilds of ironingings with automatic feeding of ironingings

Automates the feeding of the moldeadora and allows to use diverse technologies of heating for the previous warming and final of the semiproductos.

Every time they use more moldeadoras of ironingings Illig with universal characteristics for the multiple applications of practically all the fields of the industry. The most stood out of these machines: thanks to the setting of a station of separate heating, the process of moldeo, the feeding of ironingings and the warming of the semiproductos can take place simultaneously, by what the production increases considerably. The automation of more subsequent tasks increases still more the performance of the machine.

The availability and the productivity have maximum priority, by what have reduced to the minimum the secondary times, like change of ironingings and moulds and maintenance and conservation. In addition to the optimised process of manufacturing, in all the machines ILLIG UA is possible to change the mould in a minimum time.

The device of feeding of ironingings is instrumented with a car for ironingings, that goes out of said device of feeding to facilitate the load of semiproductos. During the production, a device elevador of singings, recently developed, separates of reliable way the ironingings, avoiding take two and giving therefore place to failures of production.

The technology of servoaccionamiento, with which synchronise with big precision the movements, guarantees for each cycle a desapilamiento reliable and a safe transport of the semiproductos through the machine.

The device of feeding contains the device of transport of the semiproducto through the moldeadora. During a movement of transport produces simultaneously the load and the extraction equipment equipment of the pieces moldeadas. It seems easy, however takes place to a maximum speed, increasing the capacity of production.

The process of production designs of optimum way by means of the routes optimised of the table and the functions presoplado, empty previous, air of support, empty of moldeo, desmoldeo and the times of heating. These functions are programmable by means of the process „teach in“. If the operator takes part in these functions through the keys softkey, the system of control of the machine takes the time like theoretical value for the following cycle and stores these data in the program of sequence. In this way it has available an optimum adjust for each application. From it does little, in the machine presented the adjust of the air of support realises by means of a barrier of light, which avoids that in the case of thin materials the plastic dilate without wanting during the phase of heating. Once passed the time of heating is possible to effect on time a presoplado. In the case of pieces moldeadas with a positive part (negative) big attains like this a more uniform distribution of the thickness of the walls.

The control of the machine, recently developed, through industrial PC (SIEMENS Signpost PC / WIN 2000) guarantees some easier interventions in the process of termoconformado „teach in for important parameters for the moldeo“, specific of the termoconformador. The operator can access at all times by the screen, through each one of the pages of menu, to all the important data of the process, which allows that in case of failure locate immediately the failures of installation and process. A novelty is the new platform of user, that allows to the operator control of punctual form each one of the phases of the process. This wants to say that the machine prefixes automatically for the operator the important parameters, of concrete way according to the requirements of the process of moldeo, whose effects represent in the platform of user. An advantage stood out of this visualisation is the representation of the necessary informations and of the functions of help according to the principles of the professional industrial design. The platform of user is easy to understand and, thanks to a clear and simple structure of the menu, avoids that they produce failures of handle.

The navigation by each one of the pages of menu is very confortable and can select in the signpost of existent control. The system of dialogue also has an electronic function of help that is contained in the system of handle.

The new automatic machine of moldeo by air compressesed ILLIG of 3ª generation RDK 54 is the development of the 3ª generation already began does some 8 years in the field of the automatic machines of moldeo by air compressesed for moldear/coin. The important points of the knowledges purchased with the termoconformado of big performance (technology RDM) could move to the machines ILLIG RDK. The result is the consistent optimisation of the process of moldeo.

The RDK 54 new mark guidelines, so much in the mechanical construction as in the handle. The consistent use of dynamic servomotors together with the most modern technology of regulation and control guarantees an adjust exact of routes and speeds, with which realise an adjust basic computer-aided of the data of the machine. Like this it does reality a greater availability, a greater performance and improvements in the quality of the product.

The RDK 54 is the result of the optimisation of the process of termoconformado. 10 programs of moldeo and the flexibility to be able to choose between multiple possibilities of design of moulds allow to manufacture complicated geometries of pieces moldeadas in moldeo positive and/or negative.