Comercial Maquinaria y Bienes de Equipo, S.L. (Cmbe) - Plastic mills / granulators

Seltek SM 1100 STD / SM 10000 TURBO

Mills trituradores: of compact cables

Picture of Mills trituradores
Trituradores Of compact cables, with table densimétrica for separation of the copper or aluminium of the plastic. Prepared to join up a pretriturador for more production, and arrive to cables of until 50 mm.

System very compact and of easy utilisation. Solutions for any production and need. Personalised projects to each customer.

- For cables of 2 to 25 mm of diameter (upper with pretriturador).

- Grills of 2,3,4 and 5 mm diameter.

- Production of 80 until 700 kg/h, according to model.

- Power: 6,5/90 kW.