Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Temperature , thermal sensors


Measurer of temperature: always it accompanies of protocol of calibration

Picture of Measurer of temperature
The thermometer testo 810 results especially adapted for his use in the sectors of heating, ventilation and air conditioned. It is very small, handy and easy to use. His design allows to save it in any pocket of the shirt or trousers.

This instrument measures the temperature acclimatise and simultaneously the superficial temperature by infrared. It can , for example, measure the superficial temperature of a radiator, an exit of ventilation or a window and compare it with the temperature acclimatise.

The measurement by infrared effects by means of an indicator laser of 1 do and an optics 6:1. The difference between the superficial temperature and the environingingment shows automatically in the visualizador.

The instrument delivers beside some practical accessories that facilitate the daily use: it covers it protective ensures that the keys or the visualizador do not damage when using it continuously, and the support of belt or the strip of doll are very useful for the users that can not or do not want to carry the instrument in the pocket.