Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Environmental measurement and monitoring equipment


Measurement instruments multifuncionales: for systems of ventilation and air conditioned

Picture of Measurement instruments multifuncionales
The health, the performance and the welfare of the people in his place of work depend to a large extent of the environingingmental conditions to which expose . The temperature, the humidity, the currents of air and the content of CO2 in the air, have to adjust so that they result the ideal. For this, need measure and regulate with precision the parameters of the systems of ventilation and air conditioned. Instrument Testo has an extensive range of instruments multifuncionales for systems of ventilation and air conditioned

In almost all the hotels, buildings of offices or industrial bays there is installed systems of industrial ventilation, and the systems of domestic conditioned air are increasingly frequent in the houses. To achieve the comfort of the people, the systems have to adjust perfectly, since a circulation of insufficient air supposes a decrease of the welfare and an excessive circulation supposes an unnecessary energetic cost. To obtain the best environingingmental conditions, the following parameters are determinants: speed of the air, differential pressesure between rooms and fall of pressesure to the height of the filter, humidity and temperature acclimatise, and the content of CO2.

From the planning until the set up, the certification, the maintenance and the repair, the technology of the air conditioned and the ventilation is a very demanding field with tasks of measurement very miscellaneous. There are a lot of requirements of energetic performance, hygiene, functional hygiene, reliability and comfort that have to fulfil . With the utilisation of instruments multifunción and suitable probes for each type of measurement can register easily parameters like the temperature acclimatise, the superficial, the relative humidity, the discharge of air, the absolute pressesure, the content in CO2 and the thermal sensors jumps, among others.