Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo dUo Refrigeración

Kit Of camera termográfica and measurer of the value Or: complete solution for the professionals of refrigeration

Picture of Kit Of camera termográfica and measurer of the value Or
Testo Presents the packs dUo, a complete solution for the professionals of different sectors, that cover a wide fan of applications, from the maintenance regulate until the optimisation of the energetic consumptions.

The dUo Refrigeration consists of camera termográfica testo 875-1 + analyser of refrigeration testo 570-2.

The efficient operation determines from the periodic measurement of the pressesures, the temperatures, of the recalentamiento and of the subenfriamiento. From these values can detect different anomalies like fault of refrigerante, evaporadores obstructed, valves of expansion unfit or compressesors damaged. The analyser of refrigeration Testo 570-2 is the solution, no only to the punctual measurement but also to the prolonged register.

On the other hand, the camera termográfica testo 875 allows to improve even more, if it fits, the maintenance and the efficiency of the system. The verification of the isolation of the line of aspiration (RD 138/2011, IF-14, 2.2), the detection of obstructed or dirty exchangers, the detection of overheatings in the compressesor and the verification of escapes of cold in cameras are an example of this.