Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo dUo Edificación

Kit Of camera termográfica and measurer of the value Or: complete solution for the professionals of the edificación

Picture of Kit Of camera termográfica and measurer of the value Or
Testo Presents the packs dUo, a complete solution for the professionals of different sectors, that cover a wide fan of applications, from the maintenance regulate until the optimisation of the energetic consumptions.

The dUo Edificación consists of camera termográfica testo 882 and measurer of the value Or testo 435.

The energetic consumption of a house can deduce from the characteristics of his architectural elements and his thermal sensors properties, but can not be entirely sure of the result if they do not realizar measurements.

With the infrared cameras Testo can detect defective or non-existent isolations, natural thermal sensors bridges or caused, leaks of air and condensations. All they, anomalies indetectables visualmente for the auditsor that certifies in base to architectural elements, and that they can change significantly the final result.

The testo 435 and his probes for the measurement of the value Or, will give the exact value of the resistance of any closing to the driving of the heat. Of this form can calculate (not estimating) directly in Watts, the power that loses a house, independently of the constructive elements or layers that constitute the wall or roof objects of study.